In Part 1 we looked at the Earth and Universe, now we will turn our attention to the human body.
It is vital to calmly evaluate the evidence whenever any scientific claim is made. Information is often fed to us through the media that can direct our thinking or form opinion without necessarily giving us all the facts needed to make unbiased or fair conclusions. We observe huge diversity and immense complexity when we examine the workings of the human body. Most of the mainstream media, and “popular” scientists, will tell us that “molecules-to-man” evolution provides the explanation for the origin of human life. For us to make an informed decision we need to look at evidence before accepting this claim.
Charles Darwin argues that “All life was the product of undirected natural forces”, meaning that our existence originated from a common ancestor with numerous, slight modifications giving us all the diversity we observe across humanity. This is known as natural selection but has quickly been used to explain far more than it can actually prove. Natural selection does explain the diversity we see in humanity and as well as the diversity we see across other species – however, it does NOT explain the staggering complexity we see in the human body. Neither does it or can it explain the origin of life itself. The problem is that assumptions have been subtly added to the observable evidence of natural selection to lead to the theory of evolution – that one form of animal gradually changed into another through natural selection (i.e. fish became birds). Ultimately we end up at the point where we are informed the human body is the result of random, chance and unguided modifications that originated from its simplest form as a simple single cell. We are going to discover that single cells are anything but simple!
For example, Darwin’s studies on the Galapagos islands included the observation of many types of finches and he was perfectly placed to watch “natural selection” in action. He observed generations of finches adapting to their changing environment for survival. Only the finches with longer beaks survived in rocky terrain (where they could reach food sources in between the rocks) whilst the finches with longer or shorter beaks could survive in less rocky terrain. What this phenomena with the finches shows is that through many generations of finches, the ones that were surviving on rocky terrain with longer beaks were LOSING genetic information instead of gaining it. Over many generations of finches, the genetic information for having short beaks would slowly weaken as it was no longer needed until a point was reached where shorter beaks would no longer be possible. The finches moved from a point where they could have either long or short beaks to ONLY being able to have long beaks i.e. genetic information is lost, not gained! In addition to this, they ALWAYS remained finches – they did not mutate into some other creature.
Today we have the technology to see the human body in microscopic detail. This was not possible in the 19th century when Darwin was studying. Darwin himself even made the following statement that evolutionists keep hidden:
Darwin had no access to the tools for detailed observation that we have at our disposal today. The amazing complexity of even “basic” organisms was an unknown quantity at that time. But even though we now have this, the theory of evolution is widely accepted and even promoted as the truth and proven fact, which is not what the evidence shows!
Our body consists of many amazing organisms that provide functions, e.g. the eye, which itself is made up of many individual parts. But if any of these individual parts are not present then the eye would not function – this is known as irreducible complexity. When looking into the cells in our body they are full of miniature molecular machines, molecular trucks that carry supplies from one end of the cell to the other. Machines that capture energy from sunlight and turn it into usable energy. Machines for hearing, seeing, smelling, tasting, feeling. One example is Bacterial Flagellum.
Bacterial Flagellum is a rotary motor (image shown on the right) and contains all the parts you would expect in any motorized device but this has even more capability! It’s features include:
- Drive shaft, propeller, motor
- Self assembly and repair
- Water-cooled rotary engine
- Speeds of up to 100,000 rpm
- Forward and reverse gears
- Ability to stop within a 1/4 turn and change direction!
There are many protein parts required for this motor to operate – if any are missing then it simply would not work. How do we build this system gradually with natural selection? This video shows the self assembly of the bacterial flagellum and it in action. While you watch this, ask yourself where the instructions (or information) came from to put this together:
It has irreducible complexity i.e. multi-component parts that ALL need be present for it to function. Remove a single part and the function of that system is lost. Natural selection does not explain the “creation” of the bacterial flagellum, it only explains bacterial variation after the bacterial flagellum exists!
Evolutionists would say the power of natural selection is underestimated and that the flagellum motor could have been constructed from parts used to build simpler molecular machines. This is known as co-option. The flagellum motor has 40 structural parts, 10 of them are similar to parts in other molecular machines but the remaining 30 are unique so where were they borrowed from? And how were the simpler parts built in the first place?!
Even more complex is the assembly instructions, which opponents of irreducible complexity argument never address. As the video shows there is a precise sequence of assembly, constructed from the inside out. Co-option does not explain this. When you open the bonnet of a car and look at an assembled motor engine – are you naturally inclined to suspect that it simply found it’s way there by chance and had no designer?
We have looked into only one molecular motor but there are many more, each have all the qualities and evidences of a design. Proteins do all the jobs within the cell and each cell is made up of thousands of different types of proteins. They can be structured together to form bigger constructions. Each protein is made up of amino acids that need to be arranged in precise way to perform a function, arrangement is critical or a protein will not be formed.
DNA stores the instructions for sequencing these amino acids. DNA contains instructions to build every protein within an organism. Which is why the chemical code inside DNA is known as the “language of life”. The first proteins could not have existed without these genetic instructions.
What is the source for the biological information in DNA?
Darwin tried to demonstrate how the branches on the tree of life originated, how natural selection could have modified existing organisms to produce the diversity we see now. But Darwin did not even cover the origin of the first living cell his Origin of Species!
Evidence shows the replication process of natural selection actually reduces information an organism has instead of increasing it. Natural selection cannot and does not explain the staggering complexity of life, it explains the minor changes within a species, but not the origin of the organism itself. If genetic information is lost through natural selection, there must have been a higher amount of information/complexity at the beginning which is impossible for Darwinian evolution to explain. But more fundamental than this, natural selection could not have existed before the function of the first cell, it can only act on the organisms replicating themselves. Without DNA there is no self replication. Without self replication there is no natural selection. So natural selection cannot be used to explain the origin of DNA! In fact, this strengthens the case of those that believe in a creator.
Looking into the inner workings of a single cell is simply mind boggling. The finely tuned apparatus working together is compelling evidence of a designer and the evidence speaks for itself.
There is no entity in the known universe that stores and processes information more efficiently than the DNA molecule. But where did the information come from in the first place? There is no naturalistic cause that produces information, but intelligence does. Simple observation of the facts means we need to recognise intelligence and reason about design. We can logically infer that an intelligence played a role in the existence of information even if we were not there to observe it.
All of the evidence points an intelligent designer, it all points to God. We are created in His image:
And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. (Genesis 1:26)
Human beings are unique among all of God’s creations. The human body displays amazing evidence of God’s power. We do live in a fallen world, the original design has been corrupted but, as we are told in Scripture but it will soon be corrected. In the meantime all credit and praise should be given to our Creator!
But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. (1 Corinthians 15:57)
To the praise of the glory of his grace, wherein he hath made us accepted in the beloved. In whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace; (Ephesians 1:6-7)
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