Monthly Archives: January 2014
This is a sobering message by Pastor Charles Lawson asking how do you know for certain you will go in the rapture? His first comment is “If you tell me you’ve always been a Christian then I’m scared to death for your salvation“!
Thousands of people go to church every week but are still not saved, the rapture will be sudden reality check. We need a wake up call now! Reading Scripture and understanding the true gospel is so important with all the deception in many churches.
The media plays a huge role in influencing our attitudes in every area of our lives. Whether it is by looking at photographs on the front pages of newspapers or reading in-depth reports we often blindly accept and trust what we are presented with. Unfortunately, we can often be misled – as we have posted about before here, there is a bias that can control and steer our beliefs and we need to be aware of this.
Israel is arguably more on the receiving end of the media bias than any other nation. Images are used, along with misleading headlines to spread false accusations and lies against Israel as… Continue reading
We appear to be living at a time when the warnings Jesus Christ gave us about deception are more prevalent than ever. The true gospel message is being diluted and distorted in many churches in the UK. We feel it is essential to explore our understanding of the true gospel, so we have written an article – What is the true Gospel?
If you having doubts about whether your church is teaching you an accurate message, examine the Scriptures for yourself and pray the Holy Spirit will give you the understanding and guidance. We are also happy to try and answer any questions/concerns you may have, please comment on this… Continue reading
This interesting story is making the rounds on social media and no doubt the UKIP councillor involved will attract derision and mockery – BBC News: UKIP councillor blames storms and floods on gay marriage.
In a letter to David Cameron, David Silvester accused the prime minister of bringing God’s judgment on the nation and made the point that, “no-one can mess with the Almighty God with impunity and get away with it“. The councillor believes there is a link between the unusual storms the UK has suffered in recent times and the legalisation of gay marriage.
Although it is impossible to prove a direct link between the… Continue reading
A popular question is – can a Christian lose their salvation? Church denominations and Christian movements often create doctrinal statements to summarise their beliefs. There is nothing wrong with this as it’s important to provide an identity with regard to doctrine and theology although it is very important that the content of a statement centres on issues that are crystal clear in Scripture. It is very unwise, unnecessary and misleading to declare doctrinal positions on issues that are a little ambiguous in Scripture. We would suggest that the traditional ‘once saved, always saved’ (OSAS) doctrine falls into this category. In order words, we would question whether it is true to… Continue reading
God gave the Ten Commandments as a moral guide to mankind and keeping these laws helps us live a life that is pleasing to God. These commandments are straight forward and make sense morally as the “right thing to do” with regard to our conduct with each other and to God. It does not take long to realise that we all struggle to keep all of these standards and disobey many throughout our lives. This led to Jesus Christ paying the price on our behalf and bridging the gap that exists between our conduct and the conduct expected by God – this also releases believers from no longer being judged… Continue reading
Francis Chan is an inspiring and challenging pastor, in the video below he delivers a persuasive message to remind believers of the incredible power and strength of God – something it is often challenged both inside and outside church circles.
Well worth watching…