Monthly Archives: March 2016
Our secular society quickly dismisses the claim that Jesus rose from the dead, but where does the evidence point? Family and friends, or even social media, can influence us into believing many things, but evidence should obviously be the dominant basis for forming our beliefs.
If you take the time to look at the evidence for Jesus’ resurrection you will find that it is quite overwhelming! Take a look at our article – Did the resurrection really happen? – where we detail this evidence. Also, the new video below illustrates the evidence very well, as it acts out a conversation many Christians have while giving an overview of each key… Continue reading
The Bible-believing Christian has many reasons to be confident in their faith – however, there is one that defies any rebuttal and is an irrefutable proof of the reality of salvation in Jesus Christ. This is the refusal of Christian converts to recant their faith and go to their deaths as a direct result of their testimony.
With the rise of ISIS, we have heard account of Christian’s enduring horrific executions for refusing to recant their faith in Jesus. History is littered with examples that began with earliest believers such as Stephen (see Acts 7) and have continued ever since. Perversely, these murders have often been carried out by… Continue reading
We’ve commented a few times about various statements the pope has made (here and here), but this latest one may top them all so far!
The Bible clearly warns that there will be deception in the end times, Jesus warned us about this 4 times in Matthew 24! Deception is coming from many routes now, from local pastors to world leaders, with the most obvious sign being teaching against God’s Word.
One of the clearest verses in the Bible is John 14:6:
Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. (John 14:6)
There… Continue reading