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Monthly Archives: December 2017

Living Waters releases Christmas Gone Viral video

Living Waters have released a new video Christmas Gone Viral. Here is the description:

Each year one-third of the entire world population observes Christmas. Two billion people celebrate that a Child was born in a manger 2,000 years ago. They decorate their homes inside and out, put up Christmas lights, and exchange gifts. They send cards expressing the joy of the occasion, and sing popular Christmas carols, such as “Hark! The Herald Angels Sing.” Yet comparatively few truly understand the meaning of that famous hymn—that Jesus was “born that man no more may die.”
“Christmas Gone Viral” is a unique and fascinating explanation of that wonderful truth.

Watch this… Continue reading

Hands on Bible praying, self reflection, looking at ourselves

We are living in very testing times, the world is rapidly changing as our post-Christian society gains traction. Instead of churches separating themselves from changes around us that compromise scripture they are choosing the opposite to be seen as modern and appealing. The stakes are massive here as relationships with God walk a tightrope for both churches and individuals. There is a serious need to look at ourselves and our personal relationship with God to assess if changes need to be made.

The health of a church is largely down to the leader and the team they have around them. Ultimately, church leaders are called to shepherd the flock and… Continue reading