The Lord will be king over the whole earth. (Zech 14:9)

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Monthly Archives: October 2018

Flag of China looking at their social credit system

There is a project underway across China that should grab the attention of every Christian who takes Bible Prophecy seriously – it’s called the ‘Social Credit System’. Furthermore, it should grab the attention of anyone who values the freedom and liberty of humankind.

First announced back in 2014, this project is designed to secure the obedience and trust of the population by ranking them on a points system – in a nutshell, this acts as a mechanism of distinguishing the ‘good’ citizens from the ‘bad’ ones. Each citizen has a personal score which goes up for desirable behaviours and down for misdemeanours. Those with high scores can benefit from… Continue reading

The 'Hate' Police arrive in force

We often blog on the growing intolerance shown to anyone who questions the social-engineering program that is currently underway in the UK. Recently, we shared some details of proposals put forward by the Scottish government to promote the notion that ‘gender’ is a choice rather than a biological fact – if this was not alarming enough, this is being aimed at 5-year-old children in the classroom.

This agenda is being further stepped up now with the police being asked to muscle in against anyone labelled as a ‘bigot’! David Robertson has written a blog – The ‘Hate’ Police are Now Here – with photos of adverts that have been popping… Continue reading

Crazy Bible video - Ray Comfort

Ray Comfort has an incredible gift of evangelism and we have a few of his video’s on our website where his unique style can be observed – he seems able to combine a genuinely loving and caring approach without compromising any of the truths of the gospel. He also has an ability to articulate the gospel so clearly and personally to people from all kinds of backgrounds.
We find it interesting that in many of the clips in Ray’s videos, it is the reality of a coming judgment that appears to grab peoples attention and the reality of their own need of salvation when presented with God’s moral law –… Continue reading