The Lord will be king over the whole earth. (Zech 14:9)

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The Coming King text in blue bright sky

Around 8 years ago we setup the ‘The Truth of Judgment Day’ and we often agonised over its name, we know it is not an enticing name and unlikely to attract an internet-surfer looking for a light read. As our main goal is reaching the lost we have wondered whether we needed to change. Why not a name that is more likely to attract a positive response rather than a name that sounds like a threat? As we want to point people towards their need for salvation through Jesus Christ and remain faithful to the gospel message revealed in Scripture and message a less confrontational approach may be better.

Therefore, after consideration, we have decided the launch this new website – The Coming King. This website will contain much of the same material as the old site, but we hope it will prove to be a more inviting name that still relays the same message. If nothing else, the new name certainly rolls off the tongue more easily!

This website has the following resources:

  • articles on fundamental principles contained within the Bible on what it means to be a follower of Jesus Christ – this is responses to common questions from non-Christians
  • blogs of relevant issues that relate to current culture with an emphasis on the UK
  • links to other resources/ministries that we feel are useful
  • we have also included a new sermon area where recent sermon’s we have given can be accessed
  • we have also launched a YouTube channel and hope to post some video’s (time permitting)

You can follow the site via Twitter, Facebook and YouTube.

We hope to like the new like look and our prayer is that this site fulfils its mission to glorify Jesus Christ in all that it does!

Here is our introduction video…


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