Yearly Archives: 2019

Jesus often spoke in parables, some of which are still well-known to today’s secular culture, but these parables often carry a very direct and shocking message if taken at face value. Parables can also be difficult to interpret due to the heavy use of imagery and symbolism – however, there are a few occasions where Jesus uses a parable and then explains the meaning for the audience. One such occasion is the parable of the wheat and the tares – a very simple message with a crystal clear but disturbing message.
Danny recently preached a sermon on this passage which was intended at an outreach service – feel free to… Continue reading

Steve was asked to preach at St Andrew’s Baptist Church on 14th July. His sermon titled Do we follow Paul’s example? looks at a passage in 2 Corinthians 11 where Paul reluctantly boasts on his sufferings. Steve looks at the context of this passage and asks how this can apply to us today.
The recording is below:

The Bible makes frequent references to marriage being a picture of the church’s relationship to Christ – consider two of the most obvious examples below:
Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word, and to present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless. In this same way, husbands ought to love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself. After all, no one ever hated their own body, but they feed… Continue reading

Tim Wood, CEO of Through The Roof was the speaker at St Andrew’s Baptist Church last weekend where he spoke on Luke 14:12-24. This is a passage that is often avoided by preachers – however, Tim speaks powerfully from this passage about this principle of identifying the poor and needy in our culture.
Feel free to listen to this challenging sermon below:

We are living in days that are unprecedented and that an Orwellian world is near considering the increased censorship of free speech in the Western world. For the last few years, the climate of open discourse has changed dramatically with the legislation over ‘hate speech’, political correctness promoting so-called ‘tolerance’ and the marginalisation or de-platforming of anyone deemed to question the majority view. The whole concept of free speech is under threat as our authorities seem more interested in policing what we think than what we actually do. As a result, our police often shrug their shoulders at real crime as resources are re-directed towards the promotion of the accepted… Continue reading

Given that political identity in our culture is so heavily linked with either a socialist or capitalist ideology, it is common to hear discussions on where Jesus would have fallen on the political spectrum – was Jesus a socialist or capitalist? Did Jesus even express sentiments that indicate a particular political leaning? Before commenting on this, it is helpful to briefly describe these two political systems.
In essence, a ‘socialist’ holds that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be organised and regulated by the government – this often expresses itself with the notion that wealth should be distributed equally through society which is seen as a fair and… Continue reading

Danny is sometimes asked to preach at St Andrew’s Baptist Church and recently he gave a sermon entitled ‘Three Quick Lessons from King David’.
Although David was God’s anointed King over the Israelites, his reign took quite some time to come to fruition. However, when he was finally recognised as King over a united Israel, his passion and zeal for the Lord were on display in subtle (and not so subtle!) ways. From 2 Samual 5:17 – 6:23 there are three intriguing incidents in quick succession that have timeless application, despite being challenging reading in our culture.
The main points could be given the sub-headings below:
- it is healthy to… Continue reading