Monthly Archives: March 2020

Coronavirus – any positive angles? From a spiritual point of view, there is a lot we don’t understand about the coronavirus pandemic. Bible-believing Christians maintain the sovereignty of God and trust they can depend on Him through any situation. However, the ‘Why is this happening?‘ question is never far from our minds and there can be a temptation to allow panic and fear to take root, especially when people near us are impacted and our 24/7 media outlets often immerse us with negativity. It is worthwhile to take a look at this situation from a heavenly dimension as this can help provide a different perspective – bear in… Continue reading

We used to accept that tolerance was having different views to someone else but still being able to discuss these opinions in a respectful way. How times have changed, now tolerance has a definition, in fact the opposite thanks to a number of those on the Left.
Many on the Left have taken over this definition and now when they don’t agree with anything, they don’t attack your position, they attack you, typically with labels – homophobic, xenophobic, sexist, bigoted, racist – to name a few.
So tolerance has become intolerance, we have covered this sometime ago, but it is gradually getting worse. There used to be a time… Continue reading

We write this at a time when many European countries are entering varying degrees of lockdown in response to the accelerating infection rates (and deaths) due to coronavirus. The fragility of our lives and the systems we rely on has been exposed in a matter of days – panic buying and the stockpiling of goods threaten our food chains, huge job losses will lead to enormous financial dependence on the state and we can expect to have our freedom heavily controlled for months to come, if not longer.
At the present time, it is difficult to see the bigger picture with this pandemic – some believe tougher government intervention is… Continue reading

With great power the apostles continued to testify to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus. (Acts 4:33 NIV)
As Christians, we like to share our testimonies and are led to believe that these first-hand accounts are one of the most effective ways to encourage non-believers to find out more about the Christian faith. It is worth exploring whether this is the best approach, particularly with the younger generation. Steve spoke on this topic in a recent sermon for St. Andrews Baptist church. (Due to social restrictions with the coronavirus this sermon was recorded separately).
The video mentioned during the recording can to viewed at the bottom of this blog.… Continue reading

At times of great uncertainty, it is very interesting to observe human behaviour. In recent days, as we respond to coronavirus (known as COVID-19), there have been instances of hysteria and panic which have resulted in stock-piling certain goods. For those who have reacted in a more measured way, it is difficult to escape an undercurrent of anxiety and tension.
One of the most revealing things about the reaction is how well people can prepare when they sense trouble ahead which is one of the most bewildering parts of our culture – how can society spring into such a focussed attitude of preparedness in response to the prospect of being… Continue reading

Transgenderism (along with other LGBTQ+ issues) has become a complex and emotive issue in recent years. Also known as transsexualism, gender dysphoria and gender identity disorder (GID), it describes a condition where the physical or biological gender that someone is born into does not match the gender that the person identifies with or perceives themselves to be.
In an effort to accommodate this conceptually, it is now suggested that gender is simply a ‘social construct’ or that gender is fluid and changeable – this has led to the notion that we can simply identify as whichever gender we choose. Gender reassignment often involves far more than just changing name… Continue reading