Monthly Archives: February 2023

Job is a slightly mystical character from the Old Testament who endured unparalleled hardship and possibly lived around the same time as Abraham. However, Job prefigured Jesus in a number of amazing ways.
Given the size of his estate listed in the first chapter, Job must have been a successful individual and he was clearly well respected – he is described as ‘blameless’.
This does not mean Job was ‘sinless’ – there is a difference between being sinless and blameless. The term ‘sinless’ describes a vertical dimension whereas being ‘blameless’ describes a horizontal dimension. Job was not ‘sinless’ before God (unlike Jesus). However, from the watchful eye of his peers,… Continue reading

There are many references in the NT to Jesus returning soon – what is meant by the word ‘soon’?
In January, Danny gave a sermon based on 2 Peter 3 where he explored questions like this as he unpacked this explosive text!
Feel free to listen via the link below: