The Lord will be king over the whole earth. (Zech 14:9)

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Monthly Archives: February 2023

The ways Job prefigured Jesus Christ

Job is a slightly mystical character from the Old Testament who endured unparalleled hardship and possibly lived around the same time as Abraham. However, Job prefigured Jesus in a number of amazing ways.

Given the size of his estate listed in the first chapter, Job must have been a successful individual and he was clearly well respected – he is described as ‘blameless’.

This does not mean Job was ‘sinless’ – there is a difference between being sinless and blameless. The term ‘sinless’ describes a vertical dimension whereas being ‘blameless’ describes a horizontal dimension. Job was not ‘sinless’ before God (unlike Jesus). However, from the watchful eye of his peers,… Continue reading

Sermon - Return of the Light

There are many references in the NT to Jesus returning soon – what is meant by the word ‘soon’?

In January, Danny gave a sermon based on 2 Peter 3 where he explored questions like this as he unpacked this explosive text!

Feel free to listen via the link below: