Monthly Archives: April 2023

When we are saved, an exchange takes place in the spiritual dimension – we express our belief in the Lord Jesus and in return, we receive eternal life. This is summarised succinctly by Jesus in John 3:16:
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. (John 3:16 NIV)
Commenting about Abraham’s belief in Genesis 15:6, the apostle Paul also makes reference to this exchange in the spiritual dimension:
This is why “it was credited to him as righteousness.” The words “it was credited to him” were written not for him alone,… Continue reading

If you think about all the encounters that people had with Jesus, do you have a particular favourite? I’m sure you would love to have been a fly on the wall for many of the scenes described in the gospels, but there is one that has to be one of the most beautiful encounters. It’s not the most spectacular, but it would be great to be parachuted into the scene for the two followers on the road to Emmaus.
The word Emmaus comes from the Hebrew word ‘emunah’ which means ‘faith’. So these they were on the road to Emmaus, but more significantly they were on the ‘road to faith’!… Continue reading

Palm Sunday is a key date in the biblical calendar. Jesus spent most of His ministry resisting attempts by others to be presented as the Messiah, despite having many opportunities to do so. However, on one particular day, Jesus carefully arranges this very event to declare that he was the prophesied Saviour of the world. Palm Sunday was a key date in Jesus’ calendar!
Not only did Jesus make special preparations for this day, he also fulfilled a stunning prophecy and began to map out the pattern of the Passover lamb. This is explained in detail by Danny in a recent sermon that can listened to at the bottom of… Continue reading

The imminence of the Lord’s return is a theme that runs throughout the NT. When Jesus said he would return soon, he meant ‘quickly’ as opposed to ‘immediately’. Immediately means straight away, while quickly means that when it does happen it will happen fast. This is an important distinction – when Jesus says he is coming soon, he means that when the events associated with his return unravel, they will unravel very fast!
One of the things that make our moment in history very exciting is that there are many signs associated with the Lord’s return that are uniquely falling into place in our time. This is important given Jesus’… Continue reading