The Lord will be king over the whole earth. (Zech 14:9)

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The Road to Emmaus - a template for us all

If you think about all the encounters that people had with Jesus, do you have a particular favourite? I’m sure you would love to have been a fly on the wall for many of the scenes described in the gospels, but there is one that has to be one of the most beautiful encounters. It’s not the most spectacular, but it would be great to be parachuted into the scene for the two followers on the road to Emmaus.

The word Emmaus comes from the Hebrew word ‘emunah’ which means ‘faith’. So these they were on the road to Emmaus, but more significantly they were on the ‘road to faith’!… Continue reading

Palm Sunday - a key date in Jesus' calendar!

Palm Sunday is a key date in the biblical calendar. Jesus spent most of His ministry resisting attempts by others to be presented as the Messiah, despite having many opportunities to do so. However, on one particular day, Jesus carefully arranges this very event to declare that he was the prophesied Saviour of the world. Palm Sunday was a key date in Jesus’ calendar!

Not only did Jesus make special preparations for this day, he also fulfilled a stunning prophecy and began to map out the pattern of the Passover lamb. This is explained in detail by Danny in a recent sermon that can listened to at the bottom of… Continue reading

Our unique times predicted in the Bible

The imminence of the Lord’s return is a theme that runs throughout the NT. When Jesus said he would return soon, he meant ‘quickly’ as opposed to ‘immediately’. Immediately means straight away, while quickly means that when it does happen it will happen fast. This is an important distinction – when Jesus says he is coming soon, he means that when the events associated with his return unravel, they will unravel very fast!

One of the things that make our moment in history very exciting is that there are many signs associated with the Lord’s return that are uniquely falling into place in our time. This is important given Jesus’… Continue reading

God helps us with each step (video)

Steve shares a Mini Message called ‘God helps us with each step’…

‘You know the way to the place where I am going.’ Thomas said to him, ‘Lord, we don’t know where you are going, so how can we know the way?’ Jesus answered, ‘I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. If you really know me, you will know my Father as well. From now on, you do know him and have seen him.’ Philip said, ‘Lord, show us the Father and that will be enough for us.’ Jesus answered: ‘Don’t you know me, Philip, even after I… Continue reading

You are what you eat!

As we approach the spring, we look forward to marvelling at the wonder of God’s creation around us. The explosion of life and the array of beauty we are treated to reinforces a real sense of awe as the natural world displays astonishing hallmarks of design. As we progress through the growing season in the UK, we are reminded of ‘food’ and you will have heard the expression ‘you are what you eat!’.

Just as bread is the source of energy and power for us physically, Jesus is the source of energy and power spiritually. Just as we feed on bread for physical survival, Jesus uses this as a metaphor… Continue reading

The ways Job prefigured Jesus Christ

Job is a slightly mystical character from the Old Testament who endured unparalleled hardship and possibly lived around the same time as Abraham. However, Job prefigured Jesus in a number of amazing ways.

Given the size of his estate listed in the first chapter, Job must have been a successful individual and he was clearly well respected – he is described as ‘blameless’.

This does not mean Job was ‘sinless’ – there is a difference between being sinless and blameless. The term ‘sinless’ describes a vertical dimension whereas being ‘blameless’ describes a horizontal dimension. Job was not ‘sinless’ before God (unlike Jesus). However, from the watchful eye of his peers,… Continue reading

Sermon - Return of the Light

There are many references in the NT to Jesus returning soon – what is meant by the word ‘soon’?

In January, Danny gave a sermon based on 2 Peter 3 where he explored questions like this as he unpacked this explosive text!

Feel free to listen via the link below: