For those who hold a Biblical view of the sanctity of life, this has been a disturbing week. New York is among a number of US States which are now legalising abortion up to birth – in fact, the ‘Reproductive Health Act’ allows for the killing of babies who somehow survive the abortion process during labour and are born alive – which is effectively infanticide. This legislation defines a ‘person’ as a ‘human being who has been born and is alive’ – thereby dehumanising all babies in the womb.
This is a monumental psychological step to towards outright infanticide which is clearly just around the corner (as we have previously… Continue reading
Last week, marked 50 years since the introduction of the Abortion Act that passed through UK Parliament on 27th Oct 1967. Since then 8,700,000 babies have been murdered in the wombs of their mother through abortion which represents approximately one in five of all pregnancies. Another statistic that illustrates the sheer scale of the problem is that one out of three women has had an abortion.
These are shameful figures and should be taken as an indictment of the moral state of Britain. Instead of this, the reporting of this 50-year milestone has been portrayed as a celebration on the most part and a sign of ‘progress’.
We regularly blog… Continue reading
By any barometer, the world appears to be going through a very turbulent period. Brexit dominates Europe (and particularly the UK) causing greater division by the day and many parts of the world are being pummelled by record-breaking storms and natural disasters. We believe the Lord is desperately trying to get our attention – everything is drawing towards a dramatic climax which we believe have all the hallmarks of the days leading to the return of Jesus Christ.
Amongst the stories of devastation and fear, it was great to hear the calm and reasoned defence of ‘traditional marriage’ and the ‘sanctity of life’ from politician Jacob Rees-Mogg this week. In… Continue reading
When asked about the signs of the end times in the Olivet Discourse, Jesus drew a parallel between the ‘days of Noah’ and the days prior to His return – effectively Jesus was saying that there would be a repeat of the situation that led to the flood:
But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also… Continue reading
It has been another very bad week or so for unborn babies.
Firstly, in the response to the Tories ‘confidence and supply’ agreement with the Democratic Ulster Party (DUP) of Northern Ireland, our government have agreed to finance the abortions for women from Northern Ireland where there is a far greater restriction on this practice. This announcement was greeted to cheers in the House of Commons and hailed as an injustice that has now been put right – not much justice if you are a healthy innocent baby though.
Secondly, the British Medical Association (BMA) have voted to ‘remove restrictions which ban abortion after 24 weeks of pregnancy unless there… Continue reading
We blog on the abortion issue fairly frequently as we believe this is a key barometer of how much society values the life of the weakest individuals and by implication how close a nation is aligned to God’s moral values. In our most recent blog we made the grim prediction that there would be increasing calls to end the lives of infants soon after birth. One of the reasons for this is that we cannot see what basis there is for denying the right of parents to kills their babies just after birth if it’s OK before birth – after all, the status of the baby as a living being… Continue reading
The aftermath of last week’s US election has been chaotic. A surprise win propelling Donald Trump into the position of US President caused predictable outrage and hysteria among those who voted for Hilary Clinton (including most media outlets who were hugely biased against Trump). We live in bizarre times where the results of democratic elections are being aggressively contested by those who don’t like the outcome and want the decision reversed – the same was/is true of Brexit.
Let us state up-front that we do not endorse either Trump or Clinton – both candidates are hopelessly flawed and using Biblical values as a barometer it’s impossible to whole-heartedly align with… Continue reading