In our world of fast-paced change, the way financial transactions take place has evolved dramatically in recent years. Chequebooks are almost a thing of the past and the concerted push towards a cashless society will inevitably gather pace in the near future. Advances in technology are making cashless payments easier by the day whilst improved counterfeiting techniques and will continue to fuel this trend away from cash – this is being further accelerated by a perception that moving away from the paper currency will reduce financial crime. This prompts questions around cryptocurrencies and end times scenarios.
However, there are serious problems with electronic financial transactions as they have proven to be anything but secure. The failure to protect online banking systems from hackers and internet fraud has resulted in significant apprehension as most people have been the victim of some kind of identity fraud. Criminals who have traditionally stolen paper currency has simply transitioned into cybercrime, with seeming ease.
It seems this trend could further motivate people to explore other options for arranging financial transactions which may herald the arrival of cryptocurrencies into the mainstream financial arena.
In the last few months, it has felt as though a new trend is well underway as there appears to be a growing acceptance of the place of cryptocurrencies (such a Bitcoin) within the economy. Whilst we do not in any way profess to be financial experts, it seems probable that this technology will play some part in the world economy in the future – quite possibly a major role. The technology behind this novel way of doing business will inevitably attract further government control as it becomes mainstream, but it is undoubtedly growing in popularity. Could there be a link between cryptocurrencies and end time scenarios?!
This trend has already been observed by Bible prophecy commentators and we recommend this article by Britt Gillette – Bitcoin and Bible Prophecy. It provides an informative overview of Blockchain technology and well as possible links with the coming global economic system of the Antichrist.
To have foreknowledge is to be forewarned – many worldwide developments continue to accelerate towards a fearsome climax that was predicted in Bible passages thousands of years ago. Whether it’s the financial system, geopolitics, moral societal conditions or the destruction of the environment, there has to be a major climax to the dramatic changes that are going on right now. This is no time to have our heads in the sand and get caught spiritually napping – we need to remain alert and diligent as we continue to enter unchartered territory!
Therefore, with minds that are alert and fully sober, set your hope on the grace to be brought to you when Jesus Christ is revealed at his coming (1 Peter 1:13 NIV)
The end of all things is near. Therefore be alert and of sober mind so that you may pray. (1 Peter 4:7 NIV)
Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make the most of every opportunity. Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone. (Colossians 4:5-6 NIV)
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