The Lord will be king over the whole earth. (Zech 14:9)

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A friend of ours has recently created a new website that we highly recommend. Essentially, it is a collection of books that he has written on a variety of topics related to Biblical Christianity. Written by UK resident Sean Kehoe, it is rare to find a website with such a solid Biblical grounding that proudly and unashamedly takes the Bible at face-value without forcing it to fit around man-made doctrine. Within the site, the gospel is clearly articulated and the “books” are a great resource in dealing with many often avoided topics.

Real Christianity is still a “work in progress” but we would recommend you read more about Sean on… Continue reading

Testimonies are important, they describe personal experiences that have influenced our decisions and lives. We felt it was important to make our testimonies available so we have put them on video. We both have different paths in coming to Christ and hope you will be blessed on some way by our stories. Steve’s testimony is below and Danny’s will be posted soon. This is also on our Who are we? page.

It seems encouraging news is quite rare these days for Christians but a recent report offers reassuring results.

In areas of the world where Christian persecution is high there is usually little hope that Scriptures are made available. But a recent report from Bible Societies comparing Scripture distribution between 2011 and 2012 shows a “sharp rise” is heavily persecuted areas. Syria has the highest increase with 758% showing that people are looking for hope. Here is the report – Scripture distribution increases in persecution hotspots.

Amongst all the war and fighting God will still meet those people searching for truth. We must keep praying for the all people in… Continue reading

As you would have seen on the news, the Philippines was hit by a devastating Typhoon. Latest reports say at least 10,000 people are feared dead or missing, with many other thousands in desperate need of aid. Rescue teams from many nations are helping with the recovery.

It is at times like these, watching heart-breaking pictures on the news, many automatically conclude that can be no loving God. How can God allow such a disaster to happen to so many innocent people? There are many good questions like this, but it is important we try to understand this from a Biblical perspective. God does have a plan and a purpose… Continue reading

At times, our prayer lives can become a real struggle and this is an area of Christian living where it is easy for frustration to creep in. As a result, our faith may come under attack as we can not fully understand the mechanics of prayer. Has God forgotten me? is a new article which delves into the subject of prayer – we hope it can reassure you that God hears and acts on each and every one of our prayers.

We are delighted to now offer Richard David Thompson’s book “The Two Israels of God” through the site. Richard describes why Israel is still part of God’s plan in this easy to read, scripturally based book. We recommend this as a great read for anyone who would like a better understanding of Israel’s special role in fulfilling prophecy.

This book is no longer available.