The Lord will be king over the whole earth. (Zech 14:9)

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A friend of ours has recently created a new website that we highly recommend. Essentially, it is a collection of books that he has written on a variety of topics related to Biblical Christianity. Written by UK resident Sean Kehoe, it is rare to find a website with such a solid Biblical grounding that proudly and unashamedly takes the Bible at face-value without forcing it to fit around man-made doctrine. Within the site, the gospel is clearly articulated and the “books” are a great resource in dealing with many often avoided topics.

Real Christianity is still a “work in progress” but we would recommend you read more about Sean on his About Us page.

We plan to blog on his specific books over the coming months.


3 Responses to Great New Website –

  • please i shall be eternally excited to be a student of Sean Kehoe. Please am a nigerian and i wish to know more about the bible. Am hungry for more explicit knowledge of the bible.

  • great work by Sean Kehoe. God bless you more and more.

  • Thank you Amuobonosen. We have many articles on this website to read through, as well as Sean’s books on his website. If you are looking for any particular teaching please let us know, we may be able to recommend some.

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