The Lord will be king over the whole earth. (Zech 14:9)

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Sermon: God’s plans will not be stopped

Friday was VE Day which marked 75 years since the formal end of World War 2 in Europe. When we look at the horrific impact of WW2 – 60-80 million people died, 6 million of those were Jews – it’s hard to see any positives. Currently, we’re in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic where so far over 255,000 have died worldwide. Whatever events we see in the world around us it’s important to put our trust in God as we can easily let world events distract us from our creator. God’s plans will not be stopped as we see the stage being set for the coming King.… Continue reading

Stats around coronavirus - popular questions asking is Covid-19 an Act of God?

In the UK, we are now many weeks into the lockdown and we get the sense that the gradual easing of the restrictions is not too far away. With the benefit of time, we are now far enough into the pandemic to begin to tentatively answer some questions we have heard in Christian circles – questions like is Covid-19 is an act of God? So, let’s cautiously unpack the answers to some of the questions that are common within the church landscape.

Is Covid-19 an Act of God?

The answer to this is ‘yes’ and ‘no’ but mostly ‘no’ given the way the question is usually framed. In a very… Continue reading

The Power of Fear

It has been very interesting to observe the behaviour and levels of compliance of the public during the Covid-19 lockdown. As residents in the UK, one of the most intriguing factors has been how the power of fear has proven to be such an effective tool in controlling the behaviour of the population. This episode must be a very useful case-study for governments who want to consider how best to control the behaviour of their populations around the world!

In the space of just a few days (and even hours), the prospect of becoming infected with a virus has led not just to immediate compliance with government advice (which is… Continue reading

World map showing the coronavirus impacted areas - can there be any positive angles?

Coronavirus – any positive angles? From a spiritual point of view, there is a lot we don’t understand about the coronavirus pandemic. Bible-believing Christians maintain the sovereignty of God and trust they can depend on Him through any situation. However, the ‘Why is this happening?‘ question is never far from our minds and there can be a temptation to allow panic and fear to take root, especially when people near us are impacted and our 24/7 media outlets often immerse us with negativity. It is worthwhile to take a look at this situation from a heavenly dimension as this can help provide a different perspective – bear in… Continue reading

Coronavirus image displaying COVID-19 with a dark end time conditions background

We write this at a time when many European countries are entering varying degrees of lockdown in response to the accelerating infection rates (and deaths) due to coronavirus. The fragility of our lives and the systems we rely on has been exposed in a matter of days – panic buying and the stockpiling of goods threaten our food chains, huge job losses will lead to enormous financial dependence on the state and we can expect to have our freedom heavily controlled for months to come, if not longer.

At the present time, it is difficult to see the bigger picture with this pandemic – some believe tougher government intervention is… Continue reading

Coronavirus and End Time Prophecy

Our news screens are presently dominated by the worldwide outbreak of coronavirus which has inevitably led to significant alarm and a degree of hysteria. The Express newspaper have (playfully!) highlighted the link that some bible commentators are making between coronavirus and end time prophecy.

One of the Bible references that are commonly cited is an interesting one:

When the Lamb opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth living creature say, “Come!” I looked, and there before me was a pale horse! Its rider was named Death, and Hades was following close behind him. They were given power over a fourth of the earth to kill… Continue reading

History is littered with examples of fatal epidemic diseases that have affected large regions in the past – however, in the West, we tend to feel quite confident that any new outbreaks would be quickly restrained before causing substantial deaths – do we really have that security?

Scripture provides many clear signs to watch for as the end times approach, with pestilences being one of the signs mentioned specifically by Jesus Christ:

And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom… Continue reading