End Times

When it comes to Bible prophecy, we often view God as making a prediction and then coordinating events on earth to fulfil it – a bit like a puppet on a string.
One example is Jesus’ birth. Jesus was predicted to be born in Bethlehem, but his parents were settled up in Galilee (80 miles away!). Mary was in the wrong place for Jesus’ birth. She needed to be in Bethlehem, but how was she going get there?
Caesar Augustus caused this to be fulfilled through his census. This census had already been delayed by a few years due to protests in the area. If the census had happened on… Continue reading

This week the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists shared their annual Doomsday Clock update – It is still 90 seconds to midnight. The members “have been deeply worried about the deteriorating state of the world” and believe that “ominous trends continue to point the world toward global catastrophe.”
The trends they state are:
- Nuclear Risk
- Climate Change
- Biological Threats
- Disruptive Technologies
The first 3 are not new but their risks and volatility certainly have increased. War and rumours of wars are one constant on our news channels. Then we witness the number of devastating natural disasters that have been happening globally for a number of years. Whatever we put… Continue reading

The imminence of the Lord’s return is a theme that runs throughout the NT. When Jesus said he would return soon, he meant ‘quickly’ as opposed to ‘immediately’. Immediately means straight away, while quickly means that when it does happen it will happen fast. This is an important distinction – when Jesus says he is coming soon, he means that when the events associated with his return unravel, they will unravel very fast!
One of the things that make our moment in history very exciting is that there are many signs associated with the Lord’s return that are uniquely falling into place in our time. This is important given Jesus’… Continue reading

There are many references in the NT to Jesus returning soon – what is meant by the word ‘soon’?
In January, Danny gave a sermon based on 2 Peter 3 where he explored questions like this as he unpacked this explosive text!
Feel free to listen via the link below:

As the COVID pandemic continues to disrupt every continent on the planet, there are ambitious plans being put in place to improve the state of the world. The COVID crisis has created a window of opportunity to change the world for the better. We are told that time is running out and that we cannot miss this opportunity. It seems now is the time for The Great Reset.
The World Economic Forum (WEF) says:

‘Imagine’, the best-selling single by John Lennon is one of the most recognisable melodies in pop music and opens with the line ‘Imagine there’s no heaven’. What follows with the lyrics is a picture of a world without borders, possessions or religion where some kind of utopia exists and where division would be replaced by unity. Here is the opening section:
It’s easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky
Imagine all the people
Living for today
Imagine there’s no countries
It isn’t hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people
Living life… Continue reading