
Coronavirus – any positive angles? From a spiritual point of view, there is a lot we don’t understand about the coronavirus pandemic. Bible-believing Christians maintain the sovereignty of God and trust they can depend on Him through any situation. However, the ‘Why is this happening?‘ question is never far from our minds and there can be a temptation to allow panic and fear to take root, especially when people near us are impacted and our 24/7 media outlets often immerse us with negativity. It is worthwhile to take a look at this situation from a heavenly dimension as this can help provide a different perspective – bear in… Continue reading

Steve was asked to preach at St Andrew’s Baptist Church on 14th July. His sermon titled Do we follow Paul’s example? looks at a passage in 2 Corinthians 11 where Paul reluctantly boasts on his sufferings. Steve looks at the context of this passage and asks how this can apply to us today.
The recording is below:

Tim Wood, CEO of Through The Roof was the speaker at St Andrew’s Baptist Church last weekend where he spoke on Luke 14:12-24. This is a passage that is often avoided by preachers – however, Tim speaks powerfully from this passage about this principle of identifying the poor and needy in our culture.
Feel free to listen to this challenging sermon below:

It doesn’t matter how many times the crucifixion accounts are read, you can’t help but be struck by the physical horror of the crucifixion, the sheer brutality of this form of execution. However, many people were crucified before Jesus and many suffered the same fate afterwards – in fact, you could argue there are worse forms of torture and execution. Was Jesus just one of many victims of a very cruel form of execution? Every Christian should understand actually what happened on the cross?
Then there’s the shocking injustice of the execution, the incredible hypocrisy of Jesus’ accusers – a bunch of liars told lies, a bunch of mockers mercilessly… Continue reading

We can all relate to suffering, mostly through our own personal difficult circumstances. Because the existence of suffering is so evident our world, every worldview seeks to provide a sufficient reason for its existence. If a worldview cannot explain suffering, the validity and truth of that worldview should be questioned. The easy conclusion to jump to is because suffering exists there cannot be a God – this clears our conscience of any personal accountability but can there be more to suffering and evil that we don’t realise? Does God use evil for a greater good?
To say that God can bring good from evil will cause many to mock the… Continue reading

It’s been a while since we made a comment on topical end time prophetic events – one of the reasons for this is that events are now so fast-moving, it’s almost impossible to keep up!
One area of Bible prophecy that continues to shape up directly in line with many end time scenarios is the Middle East. Many prophetic passages (such as Ezekiel 38-39, Zechariah 12-14 and Psalm 83) indicate Israel will one day be left abandoned and exposed by the world whilst fiercely hostile surrounding nations will seize the opportunity for an all-out frenzied attack with the intention of completely wiping them off the face of the earth.… Continue reading
How do you make sense of this crazy world?! Things are spiralling towards a terrifying climax, but we believe someone is coming to resolve the world’s problems – are you ready for the Coming King?
What is life all about? Why is the world so full of suffering? What happens when you die? There is clear evidence that shows God does exist and wants a relationship with you – click to read about the evidence!
What is your response to the prospect of the arrival of… Continue reading