The Lord will be king over the whole earth. (Zech 14:9)

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The Road to Emmaus - a template for us all

If you think about all the encounters that people had with Jesus, do you have a particular favourite? I’m sure you would love to have been a fly on the wall for many of the scenes described in the gospels, but there is one that has to be one of the most beautiful encounters. It’s not the most spectacular, but it would be great to be parachuted into the scene for the two followers on the road to Emmaus.

The word Emmaus comes from the Hebrew word ‘emunah’ which means ‘faith’. So these they were on the road to Emmaus, but more significantly they were on the ‘road to faith’!… Continue reading

Palm Sunday - a key date in Jesus' calendar!

Palm Sunday is a key date in the biblical calendar. Jesus spent most of His ministry resisting attempts by others to be presented as the Messiah, despite having many opportunities to do so. However, on one particular day, Jesus carefully arranges this very event to declare that he was the prophesied Saviour of the world. Palm Sunday was a key date in Jesus’ calendar!

Not only did Jesus make special preparations for this day, he also fulfilled a stunning prophecy and began to map out the pattern of the Passover lamb. This is explained in detail by Danny in a recent sermon that can listened to at the bottom of… Continue reading

Sermon - Return of the Light

There are many references in the NT to Jesus returning soon – what is meant by the word ‘soon’?

In January, Danny gave a sermon based on 2 Peter 3 where he explored questions like this as he unpacked this explosive text!

Feel free to listen via the link below:

Sermon - Being 'Mature and Complete' Amid Trials

James’ epistle is one of the most practical books of Scripture and this must be because James was a very practical guy. It is incredible to consider that he was almost certainly the half-brother of the Lord Jesus Christ – imagine having the Lord Jesus as your older ‘half’ brother, and Mary and Joseph as your biological parents!

However, life was anything but easy for James and maybe that is why he was so practical. We know he was from a large poor family who probably worked in the family trade of construction. It’s quite possible that he witnessed and experienced the societal shame that accompanied the legitimacy of Jesus’… Continue reading

Sermon - Pray with Passion

In August, Steve gave a sermon based on Psalm 28. Looking back over the past 18 months we have been through a very unique time, some of us may have experienced situations for the first. How we approached God in those times of uncertainty or despair is something we can reflect on and possibly continue going forward.

David gives a great example of praying with passion in Psalm 28 that Steve looking into during the sermon.

Feel free to listen below:

Sermon - The 'Shall Not' Promises

Many non-believers think that the Christian faith consists of a God who commands rules into our lives. You “shall not” do this or you “shall not” do that, as with the 10 commandments. There is some truth in that but it’s not a complete picture of Christianity. There are many amazing promises for believers, some of these are “shall not” promises.

Using John’s gospel, there are 4 amazing “shall not” promises that each believer should hold on to every day:

  • Shall not hunger and shall never thirst again
  • Shall not walk in darkness
  • Shall not come into condemnation
  • Shall not perish, but have everlasting life

Steve recently delivered the sermon… Continue reading

Sermon - Death swallowed up in victory

We often make the point that the world we live in is clearly created, but corrupted – and death represents the epitome of everything that is wrong with our world. Whether exposed to the death of animals or humans, there is nothing more jarring or ugly than a lifeless body. And this is a bit of a taboo subject in our culture and one we are hugely protected from – but it is unfortunately inescapable.

Intellectually, a Christian can understand that death is the ultimate result of sin – but what are the dynamics? The Bible contains a number of promises about the resurrection, but how can bodies be physically… Continue reading

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