There may not be a year in recent history that we’re more glad to get to the end of than 2020! As we are in December and approaching Christmas, people know that the end of the year is near. Typically, once their Christmas holiday starts, the festivities begin, and then not back at work until a New Year begins. For this reason, and particularly this year, people have been wanting Christmas to start sooner, encouraging the decorations to go up in November to help the ‘Christmas spirit’. The real reason for Christmas is all but lost in our society, advent time is now more about Christmas parties and having a good time. But a surprise is coming, the second advent, that will be an event like nothing before.
When we look at the first advent, the period of time leading up to Jesus Christ’s first coming, we know the majority of people were not ready or expecting His coming. Even throughout Jesus’ life on earth the majority didn’t believe His claims. It was only through His miracles and ultimate resurrection did people start to believe Jesus Christ is the Son of God.
Now, two thousand years on, we are living in the time frame of the second advent, Jesus’ return. This time we have all the warnings, we have all the evidence, we can see the stage being set for the climax. There is no excuse not to be ready! But what we see around us is a secular society that actively seeks to remove God from public life. Along with that, the majority of churches now have a shocking apathy or denial for His soon return. Sadly, it looks like history is repeating itself.
Although the UK is getting increasingly secular each year we are still seen as a Christian country and have strong Christian roots. However, on the surface, decisions in favour of our Christian history now take a back seat. One example is having a national day of prayer in times of a crisis. With the last national day of prayer ordered by the crown being in July 1947 it shows how far we have moved away from God. Even in a global pandemic, it seems we don’t need a national day of prayer! This is just one of many ways that over the years the Christian worldview (that this country once held strongly) has been washed out of public life. We live in a time when politicians attempt to please everyone, which is impossible, so they instead to appease to loudest voices in society.
This is not a surprise, more of a sign of the times that scripture warns us about. It is time for this country to repent but in reality nations, including ours, will continue the journey away from God. But, the nation’s direction doesn’t have to be the same for us, we have a choice with overwhelming evidence to make the right one. God always has a remnant of true believers that he protects. In the UK, there are hundreds of steadfast believers aware of the special time we’re living in and prepared for the end-time prophecies to be fulfilled. The question is, are you one of them?
This Christmas, as we reflect on the eventful year and set our hopes for the new year, ensure you are ready for the coming King, as 2021 could be even more eventful. If you don’t know Jesus Christ as your personal saviour, take action now! We all have to be seeking God’s wisdom and guidance at this time, ensuring we are where God wants us to be to proclaim His glory.
Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love. This is how God showed his love among us: he sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him. This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins. (1 John 4:7-10 NIV)
He who testifies to these things says, ‘Yes, I am coming soon.’ Amen. Come, Lord Jesus. (Revelation 22:20 NIV)
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