The Lord will be king over the whole earth. (Zech 14:9)

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Monthly Archives: September 2022

The Death of the Queen and the Five Heavenly Crowns

Following the death of our Queen, we have been thinking of the theme of crowns. The Queen made no secret of her faith, particularly in more recent years, and we have no reason to doubt her security in the Lord Jesus Christ.

The Queen’s life was pretty extraordinary, but one of the many things that made her life unique was that she sometimes wore a physical crown. One of the great things about being a follower of Jesus is that we also have a share in the practice of ‘crown-wearing’ as well!

There are five crowns listed in the NT:

The Imperishable Crown

‘Do you not know that in a… Continue reading

Mark Alleway - from football gangs to salvation

Football is the most popular game played in the UK but there can be a dark side to the game, especially with organised gangs that seem to look forward to matches for violence instead of the football. It’s refreshing to hear the testimony of Mark Alleway who managed to walk away from this lifestyle without repercussions. God was clearly at work in Mark’s life!

An inevitable path into violence

Mark, a Chelsea fan, grew up going to matches. At a young age, he could see the attention and respect that came with violence. Being surrounded by this lifestyle and even the ‘glamour’ of it, it was inevitable that he aspired… Continue reading