The Lord will be king over the whole earth. (Zech 14:9)

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The Rapture

Sermon: Now is the time for courage

Steve recently preached a sermon on Matthew 10 where Jesus sends out His disciples. Jesus gave them a clear message of what to do and what to expect. It would have been a difficult message to hear for the disciples but one that they needed as Jesus wanted them to be prepared for what they will face. This message applies to us 2000 years later, now is the time for us to be prepared for conversations with people about the gospel and be ready for the prowling wolves. Now is the time for courage.

Alfred Roberts (Margret Thatcher’s father) gave a sermon 80 years ago titled ‘The Inner Life’ where… Continue reading

Pre-tribulation rapture with people ascending up in the sky

Within Christian circles, there is sometimes a fierce debate about the timing of the rapture of the Church and where this fits into biblical eschatology.

We believe an understanding of the purpose of the rapture is a key part of understanding the end time timeline. As far as we can tell, the rapture is God’s method of withdrawing his faithful Church from a unique and time of terrible judgment known as the Great Tribulation. There are several patterns of this throughout Scripture where God works in this way such as with the accounts of Noah, Rahab and Lot. God removes his faithful before he displays his wrath – they were… Continue reading

Sermon: The Wheat and the Tares

Jesus often spoke in parables, some of which are still well-known to today’s secular culture, but these parables often carry a very direct and shocking message if taken at face value. Parables can also be difficult to interpret due to the heavy use of imagery and symbolism – however, there are a few occasions where Jesus uses a parable and then explains the meaning for the audience. One such occasion is the parable of the wheat and the tares – a very simple message with a crystal clear but disturbing message.

Danny recently preached a sermon on this passage which was intended at an outreach service – feel free to… Continue reading

Sermon: Prepared as a Bride

Last Sunday (New Years Day), Danny was asked to preach at St Andrew’s Baptist Church and he gave a sermon entitled ‘Prepared as a Bride’ where he looked into the need for being prepared, watchful and alert in these uncertain times.

2 Corinthians 4:16-5:10 was used as a base text and there were three themes that were expounded that are particularly relevant at the start of a New Year:

  1. The need for Perspective
  2. The need for Purity
  3. The need for Passion

Although this message was given specifically with St Andrew’s Baptist Church in mind, there will no doubt be an application for any church or individual.

Feel free to listen… Continue reading

Are you ready for the Coming King?

How do you make sense of this crazy world?! Things are spiralling towards a terrifying climax, but we believe someone is coming to resolve the world’s problems – are you ready for the Coming King?

What is life all about? Why is the world so full of suffering? What happens when you die? There is clear evidence that shows God does exist and wants a relationship with you – click to read about the evidence!

What is your response to the prospect of the arrival of… Continue reading

The rapture is an event that is clearly predicted in the Bible where the Lord Jesus will literally ‘snatch’ His followers from earth preceding the ‘day of the Lord’ where God’s judgment will fall on an openly rebellious and evil generation. Although it is often met with confusion and/or derision in ‘Christian’ circles, we firmly believe the rapture will occur as a real-life, literal event (as the texts plainly describe) and we feel it is most likely to occur before Daniel’s 70th week and certainly before the ‘Great Tribulation’.

This post is written for you if millions of Christians have disappeared from the face of the planet without a trace.… Continue reading

Earlier this week we posted a blog, A clear example of antisemitism in the UK in which we reported on recent calls to boycott Israel, Israeli’s and anyone who has links to Israel.

This propaganda has been significantly notched up a level since then with MP George Galloway declaring Bradford an “Israel free” zone! He then went on to encourage all kinds of discrimination against Israeli’s and stated, “We don’t want any Israeli goods; we don’t want any Israeli services; we don’t want any Israeli academics coming to the university or the college. We don’t even want any Israeli tourists to come to Bradford even if any of them… Continue reading