Yearly Archives: 2019

Around 8 years ago we setup the ‘The Truth of Judgment Day’ and we often agonised over its name, we know it is not an enticing name and unlikely to attract an internet-surfer looking for a light read. As our main goal is reaching the lost we have wondered whether we needed to change. Why not a name that is more likely to attract a positive response rather than a name that sounds like a threat? As we want to point people towards their need for salvation through Jesus Christ and remain faithful to the gospel message revealed in Scripture and message a less confrontational approach may be better.
Therefore,… Continue reading

Jesus famously made seven ‘I am’ statements which are outlined in John’s gospel. We have written an article that unpacks each of these claims. In the article, we make the point that these claims separate Jesus from every other figure in history and make Him unique. Furthermore, if these claims are true (and Jesus did all he could have done to demonstrate they are) they have implications that affect every person on the planet. But, there are also seven descriptions of Jesus Christ in Revelation.
In the book of Revelation, Jesus assigns himself seven descriptions which occur at the opening of each of the seven letters to the churches in… Continue reading

Amidst the increasing hysteria about climate change, much of the church seems hopelessly confused between the secular worldview and the Biblical worldview when trying to respond to the aggressive nature of environmental activism.
As followers of Christ, our understanding of why the world is the way it is and what lies ahead should be primarily shaped by the Bible. To help articulate a Biblical understanding of this issue we have written a new article that seeks to frame climate change within the prism of Scripture. This is not an exhaustive study, but we hope it will serve as a starting point – feel free to read – Climate Change and… Continue reading

Recently, Danny was asked to take a Bible study series through Genesis which was a real privilege. Genesis has to be one of the most important books in the Bible for a number of reasons:
- It answers the most fundamental questions of life such as ‘Who am I?’, ‘Why am I here?’, ‘Why so much suffering in the world?’, ‘Why does God seem so distant?’
- It tackles the most fundamental truths of humanity such as the sanctity of life, gender, sexuality, marriage, right/wrong and many other crucial topics.
- Genesis describes life in a time span greater than all of the other books of the Bible put together – from creation… Continue reading

As the UK prepares for a General Election, it is difficult to escape the sense of fatigue and even paralysis with politics among the electorate. In the aftermath of the Brexit Referendum with the skullduggery and sleight-of-hand from politicians before and after the vote, many people are simply shrugging their shoulders at the prospect of being asked to attend the voting booths again – others will no doubt use their vote to vent anger. Candidates are making promises which are impossible to deliver, they often concentrate more on demonising each other than articulating what they stand for and almost all ‘facts’ are taken with a pinch of salt by the… Continue reading

It is rare that the second coming of Jesus Christ is mentioned in churches so we were amazed to hear it during a BBC Breakfast TV slot!
This is thanks to the D-Day veteran Harry Billinge who directed a message to the young people today on understanding the history and the lessons learnt. Harry spoke about King George VI having a Day of Prayer but knowing its importance said we should have a Month of Prayer as we have so much to thank God for! He also spoke about love connecting it to Jesus Christ coming back…
“We’ve been stupid. We’re so clever we can blow one another up…but we… Continue reading

Steve was asked to preach at St Andrew’s Baptist Church on 3rd November. His sermon titled Psalm 143 – A Morning Prayer draws parallels from the crisis David was in to what we experience personally and see in the world around us. The Psalm provides examples of what we can do in times of distress and also includes a great morning prayer that we can use to start each day focusing on our Lord Almighty.
A Morning Prayer:
Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in you. Show me the way I should go, for to you I entrust my life.… Continue reading