Monthly Archives: July 2017

When asked about the signs of the end times in the Olivet Discourse, Jesus drew a parallel between the ‘days of Noah’ and the days prior to His return – effectively Jesus was saying that there would be a repeat of the situation that led to the flood:
But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also… Continue reading

We can all relate to suffering, mostly through our own personal difficult circumstances. Because the existence of suffering is so evident our world, every worldview seeks to provide a sufficient reason for its existence. If a worldview cannot explain suffering, the validity and truth of that worldview should be questioned. The easy conclusion to jump to is because suffering exists there cannot be a God – this clears our conscience of any personal accountability but can there be more to suffering and evil that we don’t realise? Does God use evil for a greater good?
To say that God can bring good from evil will cause many to mock the… Continue reading

‘The Goat, or Who is Sylvia?’ is a production in the West End that features a chap called Martin who’s marriage falls apart due to an affair – nothing unusual there as adultery is not mildly shocking anymore. The difference here is that Martin has fallen in ‘love’ with a goat.
This production marks a clear attempt to break another of our cultural taboos – bestiality. Adultery and ‘pre-marital’ sexual activity are common practice now and this is no longer news – it’s normal. Since then, the boundaries of marriage have been tinkered with and re-defined to include any adult human relationship regardless of gender or sexual preference – this… Continue reading

It has been another very bad week or so for unborn babies.
Firstly, in the response to the Tories ‘confidence and supply’ agreement with the Democratic Ulster Party (DUP) of Northern Ireland, our government have agreed to finance the abortions for women from Northern Ireland where there is a far greater restriction on this practice. This announcement was greeted to cheers in the House of Commons and hailed as an injustice that has now been put right – not much justice if you are a healthy innocent baby though.
Secondly, the British Medical Association (BMA) have voted to ‘remove restrictions which ban abortion after 24 weeks of pregnancy unless there… Continue reading

Recently, Danny was asked to preach at St Andrew’s Baptist Church and he gave a sermon entitled ‘Righteousness, Self-Control and the Judgment to Come’. In Acts 24, Paul provides one of 6 defences of his faith which leads to Governor Felix becoming very intrigued with the gospel – this results in two years of exchanges between the two men about matters of faith. We are given an interesting detail in Acts 24:25 where Paul speaks to Felix about:
- Righteousness
- Self Control
- Judgment to Come
If this was the model Paul used when speaking with a Roman leader like Felix, surely it provides a great template for us when witnessing… Continue reading