The Lord will be king over the whole earth. (Zech 14:9)

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Monthly Archives: June 2016

WOW! Those in the UK and many abroad are still reeling in shock as the Leave campaign won the EU Referendum with 51.9% of the votes in a truly historic day. Finally, we can put the campaign circus that has dominated our media behind us as this has often been unseemly and embarrassing and has done much harm to British politics. Despite this, the public has spoken with 1,269,501 million more people voting for Brexit. The nation appears to be in shock (with an element of hysteria) as reaction and speculation dominate our news and social media!

We need to let the dust settle as things are changing quickly in… Continue reading

Dinosaur coexisting with man fitting with Biblical creation

Dinosaurs are probably the most common tool used by evolutionists to demonstrate the long-age paradigm of the earth and to discredit the Biblical account of creation. They are a very powerful weapon due to the way dinosaurs captivate the minds of kids and adults alike – they are prominent in films, leisure parks and many other forms of entertainment. We would be very surprised to hear of any mainstream media that does not promote the idea the dinosaurs existed many hundreds of millions of years in the past before dying out 65 million years ago. You would imagine this is proven beyond any doubt given the deeply entrenched certainty that… Continue reading

We are deeply concerned that the Christian Institute have recently reported an increase in UK abortions which are up by more than 1,000 compared to last year. Disabled children are particular targets in a society that always seem to victimize the weakest for its worst treatment.

Given our concern about the rise in abortion in the UK, we are horrified at recent news that the Chief Executive of the Royal College of Midwives has called for an end to the 24-week cut-off and that abortion should be legalised up to birth. With the profession of midwifery being led by someone with views like this, we live in very bleak… Continue reading

Our trip to Israel

At the beginning of May we went on a pilgrimage to Israel. This was our third time visiting the Holy Land and we pray for many more because it is such a special place. Not only is there so much Biblical history there but the stage is ready for numerous future Bible prophecies that will happen in an around Israel. Experiencing the land for yourself provides a completely new dimension when reading His Word and helps visualize places with extra context that brings the passages to life.

4 nights in Jerusalem staying at Kibbutz Ramat Rachel, then 5 nights in Tiberias staying at the Ron Beach Hotel.… Continue reading

Are you ready for the Coming King?

How do you make sense of this crazy world?! Things are spiralling towards a terrifying climax, but we believe someone is coming to resolve the world’s problems – are you ready for the Coming King?

What is life all about? Why is the world so full of suffering? What happens when you die? There is clear evidence that shows God does exist and wants a relationship with you – click to read about the evidence!

What is your response to the prospect of the arrival of… Continue reading