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Monthly Archives: June 2020

The UK Church and the Black Lives Matter movement

Over recent weekends, we have witnessed violent protests as the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement responds to the tragic and indefensible death of George Floyd in the US. As the fallout spills into the UK, last weekend’s protests were met with counter-protests this weekend which also ended in violence; a situation made worse by the unqualified endorsement of BLM by most of the mainstream media. The sight of the UK police ‘taking the knee’ before BLM protesters and the defacing of symbols of British history has added to the sense of unease and polarised an already volatile situation.

Although we unequivocally support the notion that black lives matter, we fear… Continue reading

Knock at the door - How to challenge a Jehovah's Witness

Do you dread conversations with Jehovah’s Witnesses? They are well trained with prepared responses to common questions we ask around Jesus’ deity, the Holy Spirit, the Trinity, and others. This can be frustrating so it’s important we prepare too so we can ask questions that will challenge a Jehovah’s Witness.

We don’t want to spend hours in discussions and it’s highly unlikely any JW will change their beliefs on your doorstep. The main aim is to get them thinking or ‘putting a stone in their shoe’. Below are a couple of simple tactics to get your visitors thinking.

You can get into many topics with Jehovah Witnesses, but the most… Continue reading

Should the church worry about 'Cancel Culture'?

There is an increasing trend of events being cancelled or refused bookings by venue hosts because of the nature of the activity intended. This is part of a trend known as ‘cancel culture’. On the face of it, this seems reasonable, but it has led to difficulty for organizations that seek to promote events that uphold Biblical values. For example, the American evangelist Franklin Graham (eldest son of Billy Graham) had a number of meetings cancelled earlier this year in this country because the venue refused to fulfil the booking after be subjected to pressure from lobby groups. LGBT event organisers have boycotted a venue in Blackpool that had accepted… Continue reading