Monthly Archives: February 2020

Our news screens are presently dominated by the worldwide outbreak of coronavirus which has inevitably led to significant alarm and a degree of hysteria. The Express newspaper have (playfully!) highlighted the link that some bible commentators are making between coronavirus and end time prophecy.
One of the Bible references that are commonly cited is an interesting one:
When the Lamb opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth living creature say, “Come!” I looked, and there before me was a pale horse! Its rider was named Death, and Hades was following close behind him. They were given power over a fourth of the earth to kill… Continue reading

Richard Bamford recently gave a great exposition on the life of Samson in a sermon at St Andrew’s Baptist Church. Samson is an interesting Old Testament character – his flaws are obvious and it can be a frustrating read as he seems unable to overcome his weaknesses despite being given such an amazing gift of physical power from God. Despite this, his name appears in the ‘hall of fame’ that can be found in Hebrews 11.
We encourage you to listen to this message – Richard draws out some great observations and relates them skillfully to the church today and our own spiritual condition.

Within Christian circles, there is sometimes a fierce debate about the timing of the rapture of the Church and where this fits into biblical eschatology.
We believe an understanding of the purpose of the rapture is a key part of understanding the end time timeline. As far as we can tell, the rapture is God’s method of withdrawing his faithful Church from a unique and time of terrible judgment known as the Great Tribulation. There are several patterns of this throughout Scripture where God works in this way such as with the accounts of Noah, Rahab and Lot. God removes his faithful before he displays his wrath – they were… Continue reading