Monthly Archives: December 2013
The second coming of the triumphant Lord Jesus is an event we simply cannot wait for! It is the subject of many NT writings – Paul even comments that there will be a specific reward, a “crown of righteousness”, for those who love His appearing:
Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing. (2 Timothy 4:8)
It seems that the visible church is largely “yawning” at the prospect of Jesus’ second coming instead of yearning! In this article, Dave Reagan explores… Continue reading
We are living at a time where “tolerance” is a buzz word and contempt is quickly shown for anyone who holds a view that appears to be “intolerant”. This leaves the Christian in an impossible position. Jesus Christ clearly claimed to be the ONLY path to salvation and ONLY belief in Him can lead mankind into God’s heavenly presence. Jesus Christ also claimed to be the sole author of truth:
Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. (John 14:6)
The claims of Jesus Christ are clearly intolerant of other religious views. Are Christians therefore intolerant… Continue reading

The Christmas festive season is upon us: bright lights, trees and carols are all around us. For many this is a time for parties and enjoyment with little thought of anything to do with Jesus Christ! Even taking “Christ” out of Christmas is a habit for many – whether consciously or not – to “X” out Christ is one more subtle step to removing Jesus from people’s focus. This is one time of year that many do go to church, watch a nativity or may even hear about Jesus Christ for the first time. Let’s keep Christ at the forefront of our thoughts and pray that people can learn… Continue reading
It can be very interesting to embark on word studies when examining the Bible. It is particularly interesting to look at the uses of the words “if” and “until”. They are both very small words and can easily be missed but these words can dramatically define the meaning of a passage.
The two following uses of the word “until” are very important and indicate that God’s dealing with Israel and the “time of the gentiles” are mutually exclusive. In order words, God has separate plans and timelines for both Israel and the “time of the gentiles” as God reveals his chronology for His plan for mankind.
And they shall fall… Continue reading
In modern times, efforts are made to find common ground between religious systems and it is fashionable to find similarities rather than differences between them. This also applies to the Christian faith and Islam – some Christians even believe that salvation can be found in both religions.
We are certain that the “Allah” described in the Quran is a totally different being to the Judeo-Christian God of the Bible. Not only this, the “Isa” of the Quran is a completely different “Jesus” to the Lord Jesus Christ revealed in the New Testament. Just because similar or identical names are given to them both does NOT make them the same. This… Continue reading