Yearly Archives: 2017
![Living Waters releases Christmas Gone Viral video Living Waters releases Christmas Gone Viral video](
Living Waters have released a new video Christmas Gone Viral. Here is the description:
Watch this… Continue reading
![Need to look at ourselves Hands on Bible praying, self reflection, looking at ourselves](
We are living in very testing times, the world is rapidly changing as our post-Christian society gains traction. Instead of churches separating themselves from changes around us that compromise scripture they are choosing the opposite to be seen as modern and appealing. The stakes are massive here as relationships with God walk a tightrope for both churches and individuals. There is a serious need to look at ourselves and our personal relationship with God to assess if changes need to be made.
The health of a church is largely down to the leader and the team they have around them. Ultimately, church leaders are called to shepherd the flock and… Continue reading
![The God-given sexual boundaries are there for a reason The God-given sexual boundaries are there for a reason](
Christians are under pressure (if not under attack) for their views on same-sex marriage, gender identity and other related topics. Those who stand up for Biblical values on sexuality and marriage are accused of being divisive or worse!
This is a very good blog from Stand to Reason that we recommend reading – The Pragmatic Benefits of God-Given Sexual Boundaries.
It is ‘reason’ that many people struggle with as Christianity is usually singled out as the problem in our ‘modern’ culture. It is welcoming to read some rational thoughts on this subject that have become over-complicated and driven by ’emotion’ more than reason.
As sexual scandals now dominate our… Continue reading
![The Apostasy of the Denominational Church Blurred image of inside a denominational church](
There have been stories in recent weeks that perfectly highlight the complete spiritual disarray and apostasy of the denominational church in the UK. The most disturbing feature for us is the churches recent transition from the passive silence to the positive approval of the spectacular departure from Biblical morality within society. At a time when the truth and love of Jesus Christ is needed more than ever, we instead are left with a church environment that is carried along like the wind with the narrative of a culture that defiantly opposes God. By many measures, many protestant denominations have become more apostate than the Roman Catholic church and that’s no… Continue reading
![Organisations worried about offending people with the cross Organisations worried about offending people with the cross](
What does the cross mean to you? For the Christian, it symbolizes the difference between life and death, not only in relation to Jesus but everyone! It is a symbol of everything that Jesus Christ did for us: His life, death and resurrection are the foundations of the Christian faith. To non-Christians though, it seems to mean a variety of things from a simple fashion accessory to something that causes personal offence. The cross clearly means so little to some organisations as they have put extra effort into removing them from some of their packaging.
The German supermarket Lidl saw something wrong with having a cross on top of a… Continue reading
![A somber anniversary A somber anniversary](
Last week, marked 50 years since the introduction of the Abortion Act that passed through UK Parliament on 27th Oct 1967. Since then 8,700,000 babies have been murdered in the wombs of their mother through abortion which represents approximately one in five of all pregnancies. Another statistic that illustrates the sheer scale of the problem is that one out of three women has had an abortion.
These are shameful figures and should be taken as an indictment of the moral state of Britain. Instead of this, the reporting of this 50-year milestone has been portrayed as a celebration on the most part and a sign of ‘progress’.
We regularly blog… Continue reading
![500 Years since Martin Luther: Was He a Saint or Sinner? 500 years since Martin Luther: Was he a saint or sinner?](
It’s been 500 years since Martin Luther, on Tuesday 31st October 1517, Martin Luther nailed his 95 theses to the door of Wittenberg Castle Church and the Christian landscape changed forever – it signalled the birth of the Reformation and changed the course of Western history forever for the better. The Catholic Church had made Christianity a torrid religion of works and servitude that bore no resemblance to the gospel of the New Testament. In fact, the Scriptures were read in Latin and could not the understood by the masses – the Church, therefore, controlled the interpretation of the Bible and they used this power to pervert the good news… Continue reading