In the Sheep Among Wolves video the pastor says that the Western church is under a “satanic lullaby”. Evidence shows revival is happening across the Middle East in the countries where Christians are persecuted the most e.g. Iran. But in the Western church, where in comparison we have it easy, the number of people calling themselves Christians is in decline. Many Christians are sleepwalking in their faith and ineffective in sharing the gospel, this is the exact spell Satan wants us under. The Western church was once a driving force in spreading the gospel, now we need to look to those Christians in the Middle East for how to make… Continue reading
For us living in the Western world, it’s hard to imagine how difficult life is for Christians in countries that are heavily persecuted for their beliefs. This is not to say people in Western countries are not marginalised, but this is not comparable to countries like Afghanistan and North Korea. Imagine not being allowed to own a Bible let alone go to church! According to the 2022 Open Doors World Watch List, persecution of Christians has reached the highest levels since the list began nearly 30 years ago.
Christians all around the world face different levels of persecution with the extreme being the death penalty for believing in the… Continue reading
James’ epistle is one of the most practical books of Scripture and this must be because James was a very practical guy. It is incredible to consider that he was almost certainly the half-brother of the Lord Jesus Christ – imagine having the Lord Jesus as your older ‘half’ brother, and Mary and Joseph as your biological parents!
However, life was anything but easy for James and maybe that is why he was so practical. We know he was from a large poor family who probably worked in the family trade of construction. It’s quite possible that he witnessed and experienced the societal shame that accompanied the legitimacy of Jesus’… Continue reading
We used to accept that tolerance was having different views to someone else but still being able to discuss these opinions in a respectful way. How times have changed, now tolerance has a definition, in fact the opposite thanks to a number of those on the Left.
Many on the Left have taken over this definition and now when they don’t agree with anything, they don’t attack your position, they attack you, typically with labels – homophobic, xenophobic, sexist, bigoted, racist – to name a few.
So tolerance has become intolerance, we have covered this sometime ago, but it is gradually getting worse. There used to be a time… Continue reading
Steve was asked to preach at St Andrew’s Baptist Church on 3rd November. His sermon titled Psalm 143 – A Morning Prayer draws parallels from the crisis David was in to what we experience personally and see in the world around us. The Psalm provides examples of what we can do in times of distress and also includes a great morning prayer that we can use to start each day focusing on our Lord Almighty.
A Morning Prayer:
Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in you. Show me the way I should go, for to you I entrust my life.… Continue reading
We are living in days that are unprecedented and that an Orwellian world is near considering the increased censorship of free speech in the Western world. For the last few years, the climate of open discourse has changed dramatically with the legislation over ‘hate speech’, political correctness promoting so-called ‘tolerance’ and the marginalisation or de-platforming of anyone deemed to question the majority view. The whole concept of free speech is under threat as our authorities seem more interested in policing what we think than what we actually do. As a result, our police often shrug their shoulders at real crime as resources are re-directed towards the promotion of the accepted… Continue reading
There is a project underway across China that should grab the attention of every Christian who takes Bible Prophecy seriously – it’s called the ‘Social Credit System’. Furthermore, it should grab the attention of anyone who values the freedom and liberty of humankind.
First announced back in 2014, this project is designed to secure the obedience and trust of the population by ranking them on a points system – in a nutshell, this acts as a mechanism of distinguishing the ‘good’ citizens from the ‘bad’ ones. Each citizen has a personal score which goes up for desirable behaviours and down for misdemeanours. Those with high scores can benefit from… Continue reading