
Jehoshaphat was a king of Judah and he faces a real crisis in 2 Chronicles 20. A crisis is a healthy thing for the Christian for time-to-time (as long as it is not of our own making!) and reveals our true outlook on life and will make us stronger in faith.
It is very interesting to observe how Jehoshaphat responded to this crisis which provides a lesson for us all. Furthermore, a Levite priest (Jahaziel) is anointed to speak the word of God in response, a word that has much relevance today.
Danny recently delivered a sermon on this passage which he suggests speaks directly into the time we are… Continue reading

Steve recently preached a sermon on Matthew 10 where Jesus sends out His disciples. Jesus gave them a clear message of what to do and what to expect. It would have been a difficult message to hear for the disciples but one that they needed as Jesus wanted them to be prepared for what they will face. This message applies to us 2000 years later, now is the time for us to be prepared for conversations with people about the gospel and be ready for the prowling wolves. Now is the time for courage.
Alfred Roberts (Margret Thatcher’s father) gave a sermon 80 years ago titled ‘The Inner Life’ where… Continue reading

As we approach the end of an extraordinary year, we focus again on the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ.
The traditional texts at this time of year are the nativity accounts in Matthew and Luke which explore Jesus’ birth from our earthly perspective. However, the opening verses of John’s gospel focus on the nativity from the spiritual perspective. The focus is not so much on Jesus’ birth, but on our ‘re-birth’!
Danny preached a sermon last Sunday on John 1:1-14 where he unpacks this in relation to Jesus’ birth – feel free to listen below:

Recently, Steve recorded a sermon for St. Andrews Baptist church looking at Peter’s epistles.
These two powerful epistles cover many topics including salvation, living a holy life, and end time prophecy with Jesus Christ’s second coming. They command us to always be ready to give a reason for the hope we have. They provide more details about the resurrection and how Jesus went and proclaimed to the disobedient imprisoned spirits. These short letters are also packed full with encouragement and hope.
As well as this, there is a repeated message that Paul wanted to make clear to his readers:
Therefore, with minds that are alert and fully sober,… Continue reading

The first two chapters of the book of Job are difficult reading and raise uncomfortable questions for the Christian. How could God agree to allow Satan to target Job with such cruel suffering? Could I become the subject of some divine test of my faith like Job?
It is worth persisting with the book as it is important to remember that there is a very happy ending. We defy any believer to read through chapters 38-42 without being left with a powerful sense of the incredible awe and majesty of God. However, this book does force us to confront the awkward question of affliction for the faithful follower, which is… Continue reading

Friday was VE Day which marked 75 years since the formal end of World War 2 in Europe. When we look at the horrific impact of WW2 – 60-80 million people died, 6 million of those were Jews – it’s hard to see any positives. Currently, we’re in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic where so far over 255,000 have died worldwide. Whatever events we see in the world around us it’s important to put our trust in God as we can easily let world events distract us from our creator. God’s plans will not be stopped as we see the stage being set for the coming King.… Continue reading

With great power the apostles continued to testify to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus. (Acts 4:33 NIV)
As Christians, we like to share our testimonies and are led to believe that these first-hand accounts are one of the most effective ways to encourage non-believers to find out more about the Christian faith. It is worth exploring whether this is the best approach, particularly with the younger generation. Steve spoke on this topic in a recent sermon for St. Andrews Baptist church. (Due to social restrictions with the coronavirus this sermon was recorded separately).
The video mentioned during the recording can to viewed at the bottom of this blog.… Continue reading