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Sometimes we fail to take the time to contemplate the astounding complexity in the world around us. To think that human life evolved by random, unguided processes stretches the boundaries of intellectual thought. To hold the view that the theory of evolution explains the awesome universe we live in seems a convenient escape from being accountable to God.

Here is a very simple way to look at the complexity of a flower:

I’m thinking of making a rose. I’m going to do it from nothing…like in the beginning. I will need to make a seed that has programed DNA that would tell it to produce tap roots that would, of their own volition, seek after moisture in soil and send the liquid vertical for the nourishment of the plant. The DNA would then have the plant grow a stem, branches, and leaves that were capable of the process of photosynthesis. It would have to make its own sharp thorns (they are a curse), and of course the rose buds. These would automatically blossom into what I’m aiming at–a beautiful rose. The flower itself would contain the usual male and female parts–the pistol and stamen–for reproduction after its own kind. Then there’s the process of pollination that will need to take place, and for that I will need to make sure there’s an aroma and a radiant color that will attract bees. I’m not sure how to do all this, but give me time. Time is the key. Time. There’s also the production of nectar that the bees can turn into the sweetness of honey. When the rose dies, it will have to produce its own seeds, so that it can reproduce after its own kind.
I’ve had time to think about this and its getting a little complicated, mainly because I have to make all this from nothing. Like in the beginning. Making a rose from nothing should have been easy because intelligent scientists say it wasn’t designed with any intelligence. But I feel a little foolish because I don’t know where to begin.
Okay. I’ve given it some serious thought. Making a rose from nothing is way too difficult, and I don’t think I could make one. Not in a million years. No, I think I will leave the rose and try something easy—perhaps a bee.

Source: On The Box – Words of Comfort: The Rose

Evidence of God’s design and power surrounds us every day – make today be the day you acknowledge this and turn to Him – How To Be Saved!


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