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New London mayor - Sadiq KhanOut with Boris Johnson and in with London’s new mayor, Sadiq Khan. Much has been said of him being the first Muslim as London mayor, but this shouldn’t make a difference for such a diverse city where Londoner’s have the freedom of expression. Even with Sadiq’s alleged connections with Islamic extremists he remained the favourite for the position throughout the campaign – the voting poles proved to be correct and Sadiq is now at the helm.

The recent reports of Antisemitism within the Labour Party could have been a thorn in Sadiq’s campaign but he managed to distance himself enough for the majority to see him as the right man for the job. Either way, there certainly appears to be an anti-Semitic problem within the Labour Party. We’re certainly not suggesting that Sadiq shares these views but with the rise of Islamic extremism resulting in horrific persecution of Jews and Christians it has to raise some concerns – it will be interesting to see how he deals with the rise of anti-Semitism and furthermore, it will also be interesting to hear his comments next time there is a serious flare-up between the Israeli’s and militants in Gaza.

We’ve blogged before about the Islamization of Britain (here and here) and this is clearly another step in that direction. Maybe it’s only a coincidence, but 2 days after Sadiq was elected London buses started carrying ‘Glory to Allah’ adverts. Freedom of expression is all well and good, so does this now mean that Christians can advertise on London buses that Jesus Christ is the only way to salvation? It will be interesting to see how non-Muslim groups react if they are not allowed the same freedom.

Some are going as far as saying that having a Muslim London mayor is God’s judgment on Britain because we’ve rejected the Lord and moved away from our Christian roots. It could well be a judgment – as a country, we certainly deserve it as we continue to remove God from all parts of our society. However, it is a little too early to call ourselves “Londonistan” as some have suggested and Sadiq may turn out to be a fantastic mayor who uses his position to further the interests of all Londoners with total fairness.

Regardless of the identity of our Mayor, we suspect London will continue to shift away from Biblical values along with the prevailing culture. However, there is an eternal light of our Lord Jesus Christ who can surpass any darkness – there is a very bright future of every individual who accepts Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour, no matter how dark London (or this country) becomes, the light of Him will always shine through His people.

Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life. (John 8:12)


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