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What is real tolerance?

The beliefs of the Christian are exclusive and narrow, but this is the nature of truth – the truth is narrow and exclusive for everybody. Facts do not take accounts of our feeling! Christians are often labelled intolerant for saying Jesus is the ONLY way and the Christian faith is increasingly being labelled as oppressive simply because Jesus claims are at odds with the relativism of our secular culture.

Real tolerance is demonstrated in a way which means you can disagree with someone but still give them the right to be wrong, something which is unfortunately quite rarely on display. Social media can at times feel an oppressive environment with name-calling and labelling – in fact, ironically, intolerance is usually most obviously displayed by those who shout the loudest about tolerance! It makes you wonder if people really are seeking the truth!

Have you looked at the claims of Jesus Christ? These claims are more than just opinion, they call for a decision to be made on their truthfulness. There is no neutral ground, either you believe them or you don’t! Take an honest look at the evidence yourself and see what conclusion you come to.

The short video below takes a humorous look at how tolerance works:


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