The Lord will be king over the whole earth. (Zech 14:9)

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Our unique times predicted in the Bible

The imminence of the Lord’s return is a theme that runs throughout the NT. When Jesus said he would return soon, he meant ‘quickly’ as opposed to ‘immediately’. Immediately means straight away, while quickly means that when it does happen it will happen fast. This is an important distinction – when Jesus says he is coming soon, he means that when the events associated with his return unravel, they will unravel very fast!

One of the things that make our moment in history very exciting is that there are many signs associated with the Lord’s return that are uniquely falling into place in our time. This is important given Jesus’… Continue reading

2020 - a wake up call to us all

2020 will go down in history as one of the most eventful years of our generation. While it is a year that most people want to see the back of, it should really act as a catalyst to grab our attention! 2020 has seen major events that will undoubtedly shape our future – there will be no going back to ‘normal’ as new ways and ‘rules’ will be introduced that will be here to stay. This should be a wake up call to each of us to look at what is happening around the world and see that we are heading to events of Biblical proportions.

Natural disasters

The year… Continue reading

UAE and Israel agree to sign peace agreement

During these end times, it’s important to watch worldwide events for key markers that indicate the return of Jesus Christ is even closer. Events concerning Israel are particularly important and so the recent news where the UAE and Israel agree to sign peace agreement is getting some attention. This surprise ‘historic deal’ certainly changes things in the Middle East where tensions have always been on a knife-edge. Perhaps we are witnessing a significant piece on the Bible prophecy timeline being put into place.

The deal is seen as historic because previously only two Arab nations – Egypt and Jordon – have had agreements with Israel. The last one being over… Continue reading

Three Quick Lessons from King David

Danny is sometimes asked to preach at St Andrew’s Baptist Church and recently he gave a sermon entitled ‘Three Quick Lessons from King David’.

Although David was God’s anointed King over the Israelites, his reign took quite some time to come to fruition. However, when he was finally recognised as King over a united Israel, his passion and zeal for the Lord were on display in subtle (and not so subtle!) ways. From 2 Samual 5:17 – 6:23 there are three intriguing incidents in quick succession that have timeless application, despite being challenging reading in our culture.
The main points could be given the sub-headings below:

  1. it is healthy to… Continue reading
Interview microphone as Ben Shapiro interviews John MacArthur

We strongly encourage a viewing of the interview below – Ben Shapiro interviews John MacArthur and covers a number of subjects including:

  1. Faith v politics
  2. Morality and relativism
  3. Biblical authority
  4. Church history
  5. The difference between Christianity and Judaism
  6. Replacement theology
  7. The identity of Jesus Christ

The most impressive feature of this interview is the clarity and compassion with which MacArthur articulates his perspective as a believer on such wide-ranging issues. Whatever your belief system, this will make stimulating viewing and we warmly recommend it…

But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the… Continue reading

Moral duplicity leading up to the World Cup

This week, Argentina were due to play their final World Cup warm-up match against Israel in Jerusalem. However, as the BBC reported, Argentina pulled out of the match after the recent Gaza violence due to the belief that the players “were not willing to play the game”. The reference to violence relates to recent clashes on the Israeli border in which 120 Palestinians lost their lives in May. This was a shocking loss of life and the action of the Israeli army does appear to be heavy-handed despite the insistence of the IDF that it was proportional to the threat posed by the protesters. However, analysing the right’s and… Continue reading

Those far-right Christians and their end times views!

Israel is never far away from the news and as the events continue along its border with Gaza news stories are not hard to find. People’s view on Israel are largely influenced by these media reports but even within Christian circles the stance on Israel can vary. This is shown in a recent Guardian article about Israel and end times – In US evangelical capital, a new progressiveness and differing views on Israel.

There are many Christians who constantly look for events concerning Israel (e.g. the US Embassy move) in hope of them triggering the end time prophecies. This approach can only lead to disappointment, there have been numerous… Continue reading

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