As the General Election here in the UK approaches, the political parties are in full swing with their election campaigns attempting to appeal to every person for those crucial votes. For the true Christians in this country, it can be a difficult decision to make, none of the main party leaders displays any real belief in God, so we have to prayerfully decide who will be this country’s most fitting leader.
While we are no political experts some say the divide between UK politics and Christianity closing, this is welcoming news but from our point of view what visible effects is this having? We introduce same-sex marriage and find that companies with Christian beliefs are being taken to court, even Christians are being singled out in the workplace and reprimanded. So even with more MPs holding Christian beliefs we find the intolerance against Christianity increasing!
Even as the leaders gave their somewhat obligatory Easter messages they lacked the crucial emphasis of Jesus’ death and resurrection! But they did rightly bring attention to the increasing persecution Christians face around the world. Is anything really going to change though? Are we going to get a leader that will make a difference to these Christians that are victims of such atrocities?
Unfortunately, we are not convinced yet! Militant Islam poses one of the biggest threats to this country and what is happening in the Middle East will begin to arrive on our own doorstep. We need a leader that sees Islam for what it is instead of persisting with the politically correct charade that it is a ‘peaceful religion’! We pray for a leader that has the guts to stand up for what is right and not give in to social pressures or play along with the games of other world leaders who have no interest in the welfare of this country.
So what does God have in store for this country? We will soon find after the election as God will give us the leader we deserve, we have not got very high hopes! As the proverb says “Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people.” (Proverbs 14:34). Are we righteous?! Far from it, our sinfulness is the main problem, instead of repenting we bring in new policies that are a slap in God’s face.
This country has been very blessed by God in the past but as we continue to turn away from Him, His hand of protection may be lifted from us! As Christianity was once the bedrock to all our national decision-making, we are now at a time when Christianity seems to be an increasingly problematic belief for many, to the point that Christians are said to be hindering progression more than aiding it. It is refreshing to see a MP stand up for their faith – Michael Gove: Why I’m proud to be a Christian – where he makes some good points. Michael clearly shows “what kind of people” Christians are but whatever great work done in the past or even continues now contemporary Britain sees Christians as “intolerant, naive, superstitious and backward.”
Does Christianity fit in with politics? Christianity fits in with every walk of life and believers are called to work in many different areas. It is important we each follow the path that God has laid out for us so that God will bless us along the way. This is why the Body of Christ works across the career spectrum. One thing that is vital though is for each believer to stay true to God’s word – we are put into different situations to be witnesses but the moment we dilute or make allowances for certain doctrine is the moment God will be more distant.
Being a politician is not an easy job with many pressures and we live in a time where if a party leader or MP proudly speaks of their Christian faith then it would probably be political suicide! You will never please everyone but the one person all believers should strive to please is God. This means we have to stay true to Scripture, changing God’s Word because of public pressure is not an option. We need more Christians in this country, especially those in public positions, standing up and declaring the true Gospel message.
We live in a democratic country and have the freedom to vote which cannot be said for a lot of countries so it is important to have your say and exercise that vote! Who you vote for should be lead by the Holy Spirit, then we can only pray that this nation could become a Christian nation that could earn God’s blessings once again!
Whichever party is leading this country after this election we need to pray for them, the near future is going to pose many challenges…
I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour; Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth. (1 Timothy 2:1-4)
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