End Times

It is rare that the second coming of Jesus Christ is mentioned in churches so we were amazed to hear it during a BBC Breakfast TV slot!
This is thanks to the D-Day veteran Harry Billinge who directed a message to the young people today on understanding the history and the lessons learnt. Harry spoke about King George VI having a Day of Prayer but knowing its importance said we should have a Month of Prayer as we have so much to thank God for! He also spoke about love connecting it to Jesus Christ coming back…
“We’ve been stupid. We’re so clever we can blow one another up…but we… Continue reading

Jesus often spoke in parables, some of which are still well-known to today’s secular culture, but these parables often carry a very direct and shocking message if taken at face value. Parables can also be difficult to interpret due to the heavy use of imagery and symbolism – however, there are a few occasions where Jesus uses a parable and then explains the meaning for the audience. One such occasion is the parable of the wheat and the tares – a very simple message with a crystal clear but disturbing message.
Danny recently preached a sermon on this passage which was intended at an outreach service – feel free to… Continue reading

The Bible makes frequent references to marriage being a picture of the church’s relationship to Christ – consider two of the most obvious examples below:
Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word, and to present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless. In this same way, husbands ought to love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself. After all, no one ever hated their own body, but they feed… Continue reading

We are living in days that are unprecedented and that an Orwellian world is near considering the increased censorship of free speech in the Western world. For the last few years, the climate of open discourse has changed dramatically with the legislation over ‘hate speech’, political correctness promoting so-called ‘tolerance’ and the marginalisation or de-platforming of anyone deemed to question the majority view. The whole concept of free speech is under threat as our authorities seem more interested in policing what we think than what we actually do. As a result, our police often shrug their shoulders at real crime as resources are re-directed towards the promotion of the accepted… Continue reading

Finding connections between Brexit and Bible prophecy is a hot topic. In the Bible, there are two geopolitical events that are very significant to end time prophecy:
- the regathering of the Jews and statehood of Israel
- the revival of the old Roman empire
The amazing thing about the times we are living is that the stage is clearly being set for the fulfilment of both of these events.
The regathering of the Jews is not the topic of this blog – instead, we would like to briefly explore the revival of the Roman empire and whether Brexit is relevant in any way.
The book of Daniel is where we find… Continue reading

Reading the Bible is a duty for every Christian, it should be a habit and one of the greatest joys for the Christian. However, God’s word can be a gift that gathers dust on a shelf and rarely thought of, let alone touched. This is heartbreaking considering how privileged we are in Britain to have the freedom to worship in church and own Bibles. Many Christians around the world face heavy penalties for gathering to worship and could be punished by death for owning a Bible – they long to simply have a copy of God’s word in their hands.
Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message… Continue reading

On the 23rd December, Danny was the preacher at St Andrew’s Baptist Church. In this sermon, he explored the nativity accounts through the perspective of Mary and Joseph we here considers why God chose them for their amazing roles in the birth of Jesus.
He also addresses another baffling feature of the nativities: that the religious experts of the day directed the wise men to Bethlehem to see find Jesus, but couldn’t be bothered to travel there themselves! This has to be one of the most disturbing features of the nativity accounts. Danny makes the case that the mixed reaction to the arrival of Jesus at His first coming will… Continue reading