The Tel Aviv University’s Kantor Center for the Study of Contemporary European Jewry released a report showing the number of European anti-Semitic attacks in 2014 increased from the previous year. A total of 766 violent acts were reported with the UK finding itself second highest with 141 from 2013’s figure of 95.
The figures show:
But even this year we have already witnessed more horrific anti-Semitic attacks in Paris this January! With this appalling trend continuing we can only imagine next year’s figures will show another increase. What are Jewish people and families meant to do? There is little safety for European Jews now and the ability to lead a full Jewish life is all but gone! Are Jewish families meant to have personal security before leaving their houses?! In many cases there is not much choice for European Jewry but to return to their homeland, as we have said before – Beleaguered European Jews consider immigration to Israel.
These are not good figures for the UK but what is anyone going to do? We have not heard any of the party leaders making promises to tackle this in the pre-election build up. Even if they did, it’s difficult to see how this growing problem can be overcome. Persecution against Jews and Christians has been dramatically increasing, yet the majority of the world continues with their daily lives without the slightest worry of the chaos we are heading towards!
While there are always explanations for individual attacks when we look at this from the wider picture we can conclude that we are witnessing God’s prophetic word coming true. Scripture is very clear that God will regather His chosen people in the end times, the land is ready and the people are being prepared. As hard as it is to see this persecution, God’s plan will happen exactly as foretold!
Remember the former things of old: for I am God, and there is none else; I am God, and there is none like me, Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure (Isaiah 46:9-10)
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