The Lord will be king over the whole earth. (Zech 14:9)

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We are living in very exciting times as we anticipate the imminent return of Jesus Christ. This hope alone and the worldwide conditions associated with Jesus’ return should command the attention of all believers in Jesus. The problem is this subject is often NOT being taught in our churches! Bible prophecy is such a breathtaking subject that details our past, present and future. Bible prophecy is the primary authentication that verifies that the God of the Bible is the one true God! Unfortunately many churches are silent on future prophecies so the majority who attend these churches will not hear teaching on this subject. No wonder recent analysis shows the… Continue reading

Amazingly the Church of Scotland has published a paper saying there is no basis in Scripture for the Jewish people to claim the land of Israel. This bewildering viewpoint is explained more in this news article – Scottish church says Jews have no scriptural claim to Holy Land.

In fact, Scripture says the exact opposite, which we have covered in our Has the Church replaced Israel? article. Israel is the focal point for future prophecy and we can see events rapidly escalating in the Middle East in line with Scripture. Our churches should be firmly standing by Israel and the Jewish people and praying for them regularly as Scripture… Continue reading

Lawlessness in the UK - flag broken and cracked

Lawlessness in the UK is on the rise, scandals are hitting our headlines frequently and it seems a weekly occurrence to hear of a new morbid secret being brought to light. Some revelations are shocking enough to leave us in state of disbelief and are incomprehensible. Many of these scandals affect many people and some completely unaware that they are even victims. We can also be sure that many people live in a continual state of fear, dreading the day their own involvement hits the headlines.

Time often reveals there have been cover ups upon cover ups! Organisations and institutions we used to trust are being found guilty of hiding… Continue reading

It is disturbing to learn that the number of antisemitic attacks in France has dramatically increased in recent years and appears to be escalating further. As a result of this, many French Jews are leaving the country and restarting their lives in the UK – Exodus to the UK as French Jews escape antisemitism.

Once again, Europe appears to be becoming a hotbed of anti-Jewish sentiment and propaganda which is turning increasingly aggressive and violent. Many countries are reporting an increase in antisemitic incidents. Interestingly, it was the “Dreyfus” affair in France which set the wheels in motion for Zionist movement in the late 19th century and revealed an… Continue reading

See the following article concerning a farmer in West Sussex who used a seven acre plot to plant the text of John 14:6 using willow trees.

Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me (John 14:6)

Reading this article provides the Christian a small reprieve from the dark and depressing news we are normally bombarded with!

Mail Online – Religious farmer plants willow trees to create maze in the shape of a Biblical verse

This weeks commons vote in favour of redefining marriage is another national “kick in the face” towards God. Our country looks to be turning away from God and His Word more each day! David Cameron certainly did not have it all his own way as most of the Tories failed to support him. But there was certainly a large number in support for this, 400 to 175, see How your MP voted.

This is not the end of this issue, though, as more speeches and votes will happen before the Bill moves to the House of Lords. We pray God will raise people up to speak clearly and concisely… Continue reading