Yearly Archives: 2016

Crop circles may seem like a very unlikely subject of a blog on a website committed to the spread of the gospel of Jesus Christ in these end times. However, this is a phenomenon we don’t feel we can ignore as they appear to be impossible to explain and we believe they may be connected to the signs of the end times. Not only do crop circles seemingly appear in a very short duration of time, but they are also incredibly intricate and complex. Many of them are stunning in appearance and are completed in the perfect arrangement within hours which would appear to rule out any possibility of… Continue reading

There have been some notable examples in recent weeks of anti-Israel behaviour and double standards in the sporting arena. These are worth a mention because no other nationality in the world has to endure prejudice in the ways Israelis do and we can only put this down to underlying anti-Semitism.
During the Olympic games, there were reports of the Lebanese team refusing to allow members of the Israeli team share a bus to the opening ceremony. There were athletes pulling out of the competition to avoid having to compete against Israeli opponents.
Following that, an Egyptian judo fighter refused to shake the hand of the Israeli who had just beaten… Continue reading

The Olympic games are now over and it’s been great to witness the incredible heights of human performance. One of the things that have stood out for us during this games is the number of athletes professing faith in Jesus during interviews. It’s easy to miss this as the press in our country appears very shy about any mention of Jesus, but this is where social media comes into its own – here are a few examples that you won’t see on BBC news:
- Athletics superstar Usain Bolt is apparently a genuine born again Christian although you would never guess. It appears the British press will do anything to air-brush… Continue reading

We have blogged before on the rapidly developing technologies that appear to be opening the door for a fulfillment of clear prophecy such as the passage below:
And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed. And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of… Continue reading

The Christian faith is coming under increasing pressure from every angle. For those that read and believe the Bible, this is no surprise as it is to be expected, but that doesn’t make it any easier. It’s difficult to be proud of the cross when decisions are made with the intention of trying to appease non-Christians groups with their animosity to the Christian faith.
For do I now persuade men, or God? or do I seek to please men? for if I yet pleased men, I should not be the servant of Christ. (Galatians 1:10)
Many may remember Real Madrid football club removing the cross from their official crest “to… Continue reading

It is impossible to remain oblivious to the news over the last week or so as our TV screens are dominated by more turbulence – the world really is groaning and creaking in every sense and it is clear to us that the ‘birth-pangs’ described by Jesus as an indicator of the end times are becoming greater in intensity and frequency. There are many countries that are currently experiencing turmoil and need our prayers, but there are some that will cause anyone interested in Biblical prophecy to sit up and take notice – one of these countries is Turkey.
Turkey is listed as a key player in Ezekiel’s prophetic vision… Continue reading

WOW! Those in the UK and many abroad are still reeling in shock as the Leave campaign won the EU Referendum with 51.9% of the votes in a truly historic day. Finally, we can put the campaign circus that has dominated our media behind us as this has often been unseemly and embarrassing and has done much harm to British politics. Despite this, the public has spoken with 1,269,501 million more people voting for Brexit. The nation appears to be in shock (with an element of hysteria) as reaction and speculation dominate our news and social media!
We need to let the dust settle as things are changing quickly in… Continue reading